BlessCSS / bless

CSS Post-Processor
MIT License
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4.0.0-alpha.0 crashes on node 0.10 #73

Open scf2k opened 8 years ago

scf2k commented 8 years ago

blessc crashes on node 0.10 with error:


  throw new Error('Must install one of: '+libs.join());
Error: Must install one of: es6-promise,promise,native-promise-only,bluebird,rsvp,when,q

It will work if there is some of the listed libraries is installed in node scope.

mtscout6 commented 8 years ago

PR #74 should fix this.

mtscout6 commented 8 years ago

Looks like our test runner was actually failing those tests but the error wasn't getting surfaced correctly fooling the CI into thinking that it passed.

Note the 0 exit code from Travis though you can see red :cry: screen shot 2015-08-20 at 10 45 02 am

I was hoping this would be a quick fix, but that does not appear to be the case. Thankfully the code coverage changes we made will surface this more quickly in the future.

petetrickey commented 8 years ago

Following the update of 4.0.0 to release, this is now occuring for us. The error occurs when running any bless function. E.g. blessc -v

screen shot 2016-03-09 at 10 35 38

When we roll back to 3.0.3 the error is no longer present.

mtscout6 commented 8 years ago

I'm thinking Bless 4 will need to be on Node 4.0 and later. See #96.