BlinkTagInc / gtfs-to-chart

Generate stringline charts from GTFS transit data
MIT License
30 stars 8 forks source link

Attempting to use the config-sample.json #13

Open coding-to-music opened 1 year ago

coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am getting an error, please see below

create config.json using the config-sample.json

cp config-sample.json config.json

Install gtfs-to-chart globally

npm install gtfs-to-chart -g

contents of config-sample.json

  "agencies": [
      "agency_key": "bart",
      "url": ""
  "sqlitePath": "/tmp/gtfs"


gtfs-to-chart --configPath config.json


Starting GTFS import for 1 file using SQLite database at /tmp/gtfs
Downloading GTFS from
Download successful
Importing GTFS from /tmp/tmp-141173-eank3fXmavG0/
Importing - agency.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - areas.txt - No file found
Importing - attributions.txt - No file found
Importing - calendar_dates.txt - 32 lines imported
Importing - calendar.txt - 13 lines imported
Importing - fare_attributes.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_leg_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_products.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_rules.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_transfer_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - feed_info.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - frequencies.txt - No file found
Importing - levels.txt - No file found
Importing - pathways.txt - No file found
Importing - routes.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - shapes.txt - 38044 lines imported
Importing - stop_areas.txt - No file found
Importing - stop_times.txt - 61853 lines imported
Importing - stops.txt - 186 lines imported
Importing - transfers.txt - 41 lines imported
Importing - translations.txt - No file found
Importing - trips.txt - 4225 lines imported
Importing - calendar_attributes.txt - 11 lines imported
Importing - directions.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - route_attributes.txt
Warning: Check route_attributes.txt for invalid data between lines 0 and 14.

    throw error;
[  SqliteError: route_attributes.route_id

  - import.js:466 importLines

  - import.js:547 Parser.<anonymous>

  - node:events:513 Parser.emit

  - readable:1358 endReadableNT

  - task_queues:83 processTicksAndRejections

] {

Contents of route_attributes.txt


Also, how would you recommend I get the data for Boston's MBTA? I'm a little confused about sourcing that data

I see these data files

Thanks very much

coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Perhaps this is for Boston

coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Not sure how to get MBTA data, this is my attempt:

Boston MBTA data

create config-mbta.json

  "agencies": [
      "agency_key": "mbta",
      "url": ""
  "sqlitePath": "/tmp/gtfs"


gtfs-to-chart --configPath config-mbta.json


gtfs-to-chart --configPath config-mbta.json

Starting GTFS import for 1 file using SQLite database at /tmp/gtfs
Downloading GTFS from
Error: Couldn’t download files
    throw new Error('Couldn’t download files');

[  Error: Couldn’t download files

  - import.js:41 downloadFiles

  - task_queues:96 processTicksAndRejections

  - import.js:597 

  - index.js:7 async promiseMapSeries

  - import.js:577 async importGtfs

  - gtfs-to-chart.js:43 

  - async Promise.all

  - gtfs-to-chart.js:66 

brendannee commented 1 year ago

It looks like you can get MBTA's GTFS here: - try that URL

brendannee commented 1 year ago

Also, try the gtfs-to-chart version 2.0.6 which was just released - this solves some issues with unzipping files in node.js v18

coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, still the same error, although a different line number is referenced



now is


Install latest version

npm install gtfs-to-chart -g


added 1 package, removed 22 packages, and changed 318 packages in 15s

49 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

Check version

gtfs-to-chart --version




gtfs-to-chart --configPath config.json


Starting GTFS import for 1 file using SQLite database at /tmp/gtfs
Downloading GTFS from
Download successful
Importing GTFS from /tmp/tmp-178870-serzBY5d4W2p/
Importing - agency.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - areas.txt - No file found
Importing - attributions.txt - No file found
Importing - calendar_dates.txt - 32 lines imported
Importing - calendar.txt - 13 lines imported
Importing - fare_attributes.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_leg_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_products.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_rules.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_transfer_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - feed_info.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - frequencies.txt - No file found
Importing - levels.txt - No file found
Importing - pathways.txt - No file found
Importing - routes.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - shapes.txt - 38044 lines imported
Importing - stop_areas.txt - No file found
Importing - stop_times.txt - 61853 lines imported
Importing - stops.txt - 186 lines imported
Importing - transfers.txt - 41 lines imported
Importing - translations.txt - No file found
Importing - trips.txt - 4225 lines imported
Importing - calendar_attributes.txt - 11 lines imported
Importing - directions.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - route_attributes.txt
Warning: Check route_attributes.txt for invalid data between lines 0 and 14.

    throw error;
[  SqliteError: route_attributes.route_id

  - import.js:475 importLines

  - import.js:556 Parser.<anonymous>

  - node:events:513 Parser.emit

  - readable:1358 endReadableNT

  - task_queues:83 processTicksAndRejections

  - task_queues:65 runNextTicks

  - timers:437 processImmediate

] {
coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

I'm just noticing your reference to node v18, I am using v16

I will try node v18

coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Looks like it is still occurring even with node v18

nvm use v18


Now using node v18.15.0 (npm v9.5.0)


gtfs-to-chart --configPath config.json


gtfs-to-chart: command not found


npm install gtfs-to-chart -g


added 319 packages in 14s

49 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details


gtfs-to-chart --configPath config.json


Starting GTFS import for 1 file using SQLite database at /tmp/gtfs
Downloading GTFS from
Download successful
Importing GTFS from /tmp/tmp-181995-1WN38QCkMYFO/
Importing - agency.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - areas.txt - No file found
Importing - attributions.txt - No file found
Importing - calendar_dates.txt - 32 lines imported
Importing - calendar.txt - 13 lines imported
Importing - fare_attributes.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_leg_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_products.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_rules.txt - 2500 lines imported
Importing - fare_transfer_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - feed_info.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - frequencies.txt - No file found
Importing - levels.txt - No file found
Importing - pathways.txt - No file found
Importing - routes.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - shapes.txt - 38044 lines imported
Importing - stop_areas.txt - No file found
Importing - stop_times.txt - 61853 lines imported
Importing - stops.txt - 186 lines imported
Importing - transfers.txt - 41 lines imported
Importing - translations.txt - No file found
Importing - trips.txt - 4225 lines imported
Importing - calendar_attributes.txt - 11 lines imported
Importing - directions.txt - 14 lines imported
Importing - route_attributes.txt
Warning: Check route_attributes.txt for invalid data between lines 0 and 14.

    throw error;
[  SqliteError: route_attributes.route_id

  - import.js:475 importLines

  - import.js:556 Parser.<anonymous>

  - node:events:513 Parser.emit

  - readable:1359 endReadableNT

  - task_queues:82 process.processTicksAndRejections

] {

Node.js v18.15.0
coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

Great news - MBTA loads and makes charts - looks like the problem file route_attributes.txt does not exist in the MBTA file

big file with lots of rows

gtfs-to-chart --configPath config-mbta.json


Starting GTFS import for 1 file using SQLite database at /tmp/gtfs
Downloading GTFS from
Download successful
Importing GTFS from /tmp/tmp-182845-5Sj01ZrXnN4T/
Importing - agency.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - areas.txt - 32 lines imported
Importing - attributions.txt - No file found
Importing - calendar_dates.txt - 54 lines imported
Importing - calendar.txt - 90 lines imported
Importing - fare_attributes.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_leg_rules.txt - 456 lines imported
Importing - fare_products.txt - 87 lines imported
Importing - fare_rules.txt - No file found
Importing - fare_transfer_rules.txt - 37 lines imported
Importing - feed_info.txt - 1 lines imported
Importing - frequencies.txt - No file found
Importing - levels.txt - 74 lines imported
Importing - pathways.txt - 7999 lines imported
Importing - routes.txt - 219 lines imported
Importing - shapes.txt - 258537 lines imported
Importing - stop_areas.txt - 758 lines imported
Importing - stop_times.txt - 1605036 lines imported
Importing - stops.txt - 9743 lines imported
Importing - transfers.txt - 5312 lines imported
Importing - translations.txt - No file found
Importing - trips.txt - 65139 lines imported
Importing - calendar_attributes.txt - 90 lines imported
Importing - directions.txt - 378 lines imported
Completed GTFS import for 1 agency
mbta: Generating charts [===================================----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 35/219
Warning: No trips found for route CR-Foxboro on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [============================================================================================================================-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 124/219
Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-CommuterRail-South on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-CommuterRail-North on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-CommuterRail on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Blue on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [===============================================================================================================================================================================--------------------------------------------] 175/219
Warning: No trips found for route 195 on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [============================================================================================================================================================================================-------------------------------] 188/219
Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-JFKPark on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [==============================================================================================================================================================================================-----------------------------] 190/219
Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-JFKKendall on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [=================================================================================================================================================================================================--------------------------] 193/219
Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-GovernmentCenterWonderland on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Worcester on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Red-Trunk on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Red-Braintree on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Red-Ashmont on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Red on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Providence on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Orange on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Newburyport on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Needham on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Middleborough on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Mattapan on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Lowell on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Kingston on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Haverhill on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green-Trunk on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green-E on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green-D on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green-C on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Greenbush on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green-B on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Green on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Franklin on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Fitchburg on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Fairmount on May 5, 2023

Warning: No trips found for route Shuttle-Generic-Elevator on May 5, 2023
mbta: Generating charts [===========================================================================================================================================================================================================================] 219/219

mbta: charts created at /home/tmc/ap/vol6/gtfs-to-chart-stringlines/charts/mbta
coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

I am wondering the best way to view the charts? I can open the index file on my machine and browse each one, but I can't view them via GitHub at my repo

Is there an existing React or NextJS or Angular app that knows how to view the charts?

Also, when I look at a chart, it appears to only contain a single inbound and outbound row, perhaps from last night's last run of the day?


It does not show the trips throughout the day, such as this similar one I saw the other day on Twitter, not sure how it was generated


coding-to-music commented 1 year ago

I tried out very cool

And magically was able to deploy my clone to vercel, works, amazing!

I tried the same with this, I was able to deploy via vercel --prod and specify the file locations are in charts/mbta pretty cool, it works!!

I wonder why only the last runs of the day are visible?

For example