BlitterStudio / MB_SubSonic

MusicBee SubSonic plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
109 stars 14 forks source link

Add option to sync subsonic music files in local and autoload collection #70

Closed cedvan closed 3 months ago

cedvan commented 1 year ago

I have a subsonic server navidrome to manage my music collection. I play my songs from multiple devices.

So I can rate my songs with any devices and I use smart playlists to class my library.

But, I have again 2 needs :

To respond this needs, I want use MusicBee on my computer :

So I sync my music library in local with Nextcloud app to add my songs to MusicBee.

But with Nextcloud sync solution, I lost my subsonic rating. So I tested your plugin to connect my MB to my Subsonic server. But this plugin have no system to sync music files in local from subsonic.

Possible to add an checkbox option to sync files from the subsonic server to a local folder and load them into the MB collection automatically?

midwan commented 1 year ago

I don't think what you want to do is possible from the plugin side, this seems like something MusicBee itself should support first. Also, MusicBee's plugin API would need to allow for some control over it, I assume.