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Final pagination #279

Closed Adithya14255 closed 2 weeks ago

Adithya14255 commented 2 weeks ago

for issue #272 and the following sub issues- #273 #276 #277 #278

I @Adithya14255 and @marudhu2004 have done the following:

[x] added the issue number for which this pull request is created. [x] added pagination for inbox [x] ensured that search feature works with the new changes [x] handled bad requests which might come with page count (negative pages, above page limit) by returning 404 [x] added custom 404 page

futher by @Adithya14255 [x] pagination with search [x] clear button to remove searched string [x] fixed some issues with using same route for both search and normal [x] fixed some session problems [x] page change only visible when more than 1 page exists [x] fixed issue when new login leads to error page

Further for issue #276

[x] spacing has been added as shown - image

[x] The management settings are essential to be present in each page as Access to archived notes and other settings should be available in each page for convenience sake, kindly review if change is needed

for issue #277 [x] additional buttons have been added for moving to first and last pages as shown image

[x] Number of messages to be displayed per page has been increased to 25

for issue #278 [x] Buttons have been moved to top and fixed to same line image

[x] share url button has been added to main page again image

Further improvements: [x] as in image above, pagination elements have been centered to improve look [x] made the next and previous unclickable when on first and last page respectively image image [x] added a not found msg in case no search matches found image [x] also fixed issues with the message from to all users

As this update is comprehensive and covers the previous pull requests i am closing the other ones . (#275 and #274 )

Hence this pull request will solve issues #272, #273 , #276 , #277 , #278

@Pavithratrdev, please let me know about this update