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Sweep: split mutationMachine #73

Open lveillard opened 3 weeks ago

lveillard commented 3 weeks ago



We need to do the same with the mutationMachine, which right now has only the typeDB mutation process


Out of the scope:

InspireBy what already works for the queries, as they are already split

sweep-ai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago




This is a new file that will contain the TypeDB mutation machine logic extracted from `src/stateMachine/mutation/mutationMachine.ts`. It will need the following: - Relevant imports from `src/stateMachine/mutation/mutationMachine.ts` - Type definitions used by the TypeDB mutation machine, such as `MachineContext` - Reducer functions used by the TypeDB mutation machine, such as `updateBqlReq`, `updateBqlRes`, etc. - Actor functions used by the TypeDB mutation machine, such as `enrich`, `preQuery`, `parseBQL`, etc. - The `machine` definition using the `createMachine` function - The `awaitMachine` and `runMutationMachine` functions
import { assertDefined } from '../../../helpers';
import type { BormConfig, DBHandles, EnrichedBormSchema, EnrichedBQLMutation, RawBQLMutation } from '../../../types';
import { createMachine, interpret, invoke, reduce, state, transition } from '../../robot3';
import { enrichBQLMutation } from '../bql/enrich';
import { parseBQLMutation } from '../bql/parse';
import { mutationPreQuery } from '../bql/preQuery';
import { buildTQLMutation } from './build';
import { parseTQLMutation } from './parse';
import { runTQLMutation } from './run';

export type TypeDbMachineContext = {
    bql: {
        raw: RawBQLMutation;
        current: EnrichedBQLMutation;
        things: any[];
        edges: any[];
        res: any[];
    tql: {
        mutation?: any;
        res?: any;
    schema: EnrichedBormSchema;
    config: BormConfig;
    handles: DBHandles;
    error?: string | null;

const updateBqlReq = (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
    if (! {
        return ctx;
    return {
        bql: { ...ctx.bql, current: },

const updateBqlRes = (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
    if (! {
        return ctx;
    return {
        bql: { ...ctx.bql, res: },

const updateThingsEdges = (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
    return {
        bql: {

const updateTQLMutation = (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
    return {
        tql: {

const updateTQLRes = (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
    return {
        tql: {

const enrich = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return enrichBQLMutation(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema, ctx.config);

const preQuery = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return mutationPreQuery(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema, ctx.config, ctx.handles);

const parseBQL = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return parseBQLMutation(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema);

const buildMutation = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return buildTQLMutation(ctx.bql.things, ctx.bql.edges, ctx.schema);

const runMutation = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return runTQLMutation(assertDefined(ctx.tql.mutation), ctx.handles, ctx.config);

const parseMutation = async (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return parseTQLMutation(assertDefined(ctx.tql.res), ctx.bql.things, ctx.bql.edges, ctx.schema, ctx.config);

const errorTransition = transition(
    reduce((ctx: TypeDbMachineContext, event: any): TypeDbMachineContext => {
        return {
            error: event.error,

export const typeDbMutationMachine = createMachine(
        enrich: invoke(enrich, transition('done', 'preQuery', reduce(updateBqlReq)), errorTransition),
        preQuery: invoke(preQuery, transition('done', 'parseBQL', reduce(updateBqlReq)), errorTransition),
        parseBQL: invoke(parseBQL, transition('done', 'buildMutation', reduce(updateThingsEdges)), errorTransition),
        buildMutation: invoke(buildMutation, transition('done', 'runMutation', reduce(updateTQLMutation)), errorTransition),
        runMutation: invoke(runMutation, transition('done', 'parseMutation', reduce(updateTQLRes)), errorTransition),
        parseMutation: invoke(parseMutation, transition('done', 'success', reduce(updateBqlRes)), errorTransition),
        success: state(),
        error: state(),
    // @ts-expect-error Bad type
    (ctx: TypeDbMachineContext) => ctx,

const awaitMutationMachine = async (context: TypeDbMachineContext) => {
    return new Promise<any[]>((resolve, reject) => {
        // @ts-expect-error Bad type
            // @ts-expect-error Bad type
            (service) => {
                if ( === 'success') {
                if ( === 'error') {

export const runTypeDbMutationMachine = async (
    bql: RawBQLMutation,
    schema: EnrichedBormSchema,
    config: BormConfig,
    handles: DBHandles,
) => {
    return awaitMutationMachine({
        bql: {
            raw: bql,
            current: {} as EnrichedBQLMutation,
            things: [],
            edges: [],
            res: [],
        tql: {},
        schema: schema,
        config: config,
        handles: handles,
        error: null,


This is a new file that will contain a dummy SurrealDB mutation machine. It will export a `runSurrealDbMutationMachine` function that does nothing.
export const runSurrealDbMutationMachine = async () => {
    // Dummy function, implementation out of scope
    return Promise.resolve([]);


Remove the imports related to the TypeDB mutation process, as they have been moved to `src/stateMachine/mutation/tql/machine.ts`.
@@ -1,16 +1 @@
-import type {
-   BQLMutation,
-   BQLMutationBlock,
-   BormConfig,
-   DBHandles,
-   EnrichedBQLMutationBlock,
-   EnrichedBormSchema,
-} from '../../types';
-import { enrichBQLMutation } from './bql/enrich';
-import type { TqlMutation } from './tql/run';
-import { runTQLMutation } from './tql/run';
-import type { TqlRes } from './tql/parse';
-import { parseTQLMutation } from './tql/parse';
-import { parseBQLMutation } from './bql/parse';
-import { buildTQLMutation } from './tql/build';
-import { mutationPreQuery } from './bql/preQuery';
+import type { BQLMutation, BormConfig, DBHandles, EnrichedBormSchema } from '../../types';


Remove the reducer functions related to the TypeDB mutation process, as they have been moved to `src/stateMachine/mutation/tql/machine.ts`.
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-const updateBqlReq = (ctx: MachineContext, event: any) => {
-   if (! {
-       ///when preQueries return nothing, that should not affect the ctx
-       return ctx;
-   }
-   return {
-       ...ctx,
-       bql: { ...ctx.bql, current: },
-   };
-const updateBqlRes = (ctx: MachineContext, event: any) => {
-   return {
-       ...ctx,
-       bql: { ...ctx.bql, res: },
-   };
-const updateThingsEdges = (ctx: MachineContext, event: any) => {
-   return {
-       ...ctx,
-       bql: {
-           ...ctx.bql,
-           things:,
-           edges:,
-       },
-   };
-const updateTQLMutation = (ctx: MachineContext, event: any) => {
-   return {
-       ...ctx,
-       typeDB: {
-           ...ctx.typeDB,
-           tqlMutation:,
-       },
-   };
-const updateTQLRes = (ctx: MachineContext, event: any) => {
-   return {
-       ...ctx,
-       typeDB: {
-           ...ctx.typeDB,
-           tqlRes:,
-       },
-   };


Remove the actor functions related to the TypeDB mutation process, as they have been moved to `src/stateMachine/mutation/tql/machine.ts`.
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-const enrich = async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
-   return Object.keys(ctx.bql.current).length
-       ? enrichBQLMutation(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema, ctx.config)
-       : enrichBQLMutation(ctx.bql.raw, ctx.schema, ctx.config);
-const preQuery = async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
-   return mutationPreQuery(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema, ctx.config, ctx.handles);
-const preQueryDependencies = async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
-   return preHookDependencies(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema, ctx.config, ctx.handles);
-const parseBQL = async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
-   return parseBQLMutation(ctx.bql.current, ctx.schema);
-const buildMutation = async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
-   return buildTQLMutation(ctx.bql.things, ctx.bql.edges, ctx.schema);


Remove the TypeDB-specific parts of the `machine` definition, as they have been moved to `src/stateMachine/mutation/tql/machine.ts`.
@@ -1,34 +1,68 @@
 export const machine = createMachine(
-   'stringify',
+   'adapter',
-       stringify: invoke(
-           async (ctx: MachineContext) => stringify(ctx.bql.raw, ctx.schema),
-           transition('done', 'enrich', reduce(updateBqlReq)),
+       adapter: invoke(
+           async (ctx: MachineContext) => {
+               const adapters: Record<string, Adapter> = {};
+               ctx.bql.raw.forEach((block, i) => {
+                   const thing = getSchemaByThing(ctx.schema, block.$thing);
+                   const { id } = thing.defaultDBConnector;
+                   if (thing.db === 'typeDB') {
+                       if (!adapters[id]) {
+                           const client = ctx.handles.typeDB?.get(id)?.client;
+                           if (!client) {
+                               throw new Error(`TypeDB client with id "${}" does not exist`);
+                           }
+                           adapters[id] = {
+                               db: 'typeDB',
+                               client,
+                               bqlMutation: [],
+                               indices: [],
+                           };
+                       }
+                   } else if (thing.db === 'surrealDB') {
+                       if (!adapters[id]) {
+                           const client = ctx.handles.surrealDB?.get(id)?.client;
+                           if (!client) {
+                               throw new Error(`SurrealDB client with id "${}" does not exist`);
+                           }
+                           adapters[id] = {
+                               db: 'surrealDB',
+                               client,
+                               bqlMutation: [],
+                               indices: [],
+                           };
+                       }
+                   } else {
+                       throw new Error(`Unsupported DB "${thing.db}"`);
+                   }
+                   const adapter = adapters[id];
+                   adapter.bqlMutation.push(block);
+                   adapter.indices.push(i);
+               });
+               const adapterList = Object.values(adapters);
+               const proms = => {
+                   if (a.db === 'typeDB') {
+                       return runTypeDbMutationMachine(a.bqlMutation, ctx.schema, ctx.config, ctx.handles);
+                   }
+                   return runSurrealDbMutationMachine();
+               });
+               const results = await Promise.all(proms);
+               const orderedResults = adapterList.flatMap((a, i) => {
+                   const result = results[i];
+                   return, j) => ({ index, result: result[j] }));
+               });
+               orderedResults.sort((a, b) => (a.index < b.index ? -1 : a.index > b.index ? 1 : 0));
+               const result ={ result }) => result);
+               return result;
+           },
+           transition('done', 'success', reduce(updateBqlRes)),
-       enrich: invoke(
-           enrich,
-           transition('done', 'preQuery', guard(requiresPreQuery), reduce(updateBqlReq)),
-           transition('done', 'parseBQL', reduce(updateBqlReq)),
-           errorTransition,
-       ),
-       preHookDependencies: invoke(
-           preQueryDependencies,
-           transition('done', 'enrich', reduce(updateBqlReq)),
-           errorTransition,
-       ),
-       preQuery: invoke(
-           preQuery,
-           transition('done', 'preHookDependencies', guard(requiresPreHookDependencies), reduce(updateBqlReq)),
-           transition('done', 'parseBQL', reduce(updateBqlReq)),
-           errorTransition,
-       ),
-       parseBQL: invoke(parseBQL, transition('done', 'buildMutation', reduce(updateThingsEdges)), errorTransition),
-       buildMutation: invoke(buildMutation, transition('done', 'runMutation', reduce(updateTQLMutation)), errorTransition),
-       runMutation: invoke(runMutation, transition('done', 'parseMutation', reduce(updateTQLRes)), errorTransition),
-       parseMutation: invoke(parseMutation, transition('done', 'success', reduce(updateBqlRes)), errorTransition),
-       success: final(),
-       error: final(),
+       success: state(),
+       error: state(),
    // @ts-expect-error Bad type
    (ctx: MachineContext) => ctx,


Update the `awaitMachine` and `runMutationMachine` functions to match the updated `machine` definition.
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 export const awaitMachine = async (context: MachineContext) => {
-   return new Promise<MachineContext>((resolve, reject) => {
+   return new Promise<any[]>((resolve, reject) => {
        // @ts-expect-error Bad type
            // @ts-expect-error Bad type
            (service) => {
                if ( === 'success') {
-                   resolve(service.context);
+                   resolve(service.context.bql.res);
                if ( === 'error') {
-                   reject(service.context);
+                   reject(service.context.error);
@@ -26,19 +26,11 @@
    return awaitMachine({
        bql: {
            raw: mutation,
-           current: {} as EnrichedBQLMutationBlock,
-           things: [],
-           edges: [],
            res: [],
-       typeDB: {
-           tqlMutation: {} as TqlMutation,
-           tqlRes: {} as TqlRes,
-       },
-       schema: schema as EnrichedBormSchema,
+       schema: schema,
        config: config,
        handles: handles,
-       depthLevel: 0,
        error: null,


Add the necessary imports for the `runTypeDbMutationMachine` and `runSurrealDbMutationMachine` functions.
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import { createMachine, transition, reduce, guard, interpret, state, invoke } from '../robot3';
-import { stringify } from './bql/stringify';
-import { preHookDependencies } from './bql/enrichSteps/preHookDependencies';
-import { dependenciesGuard } from './bql/guards/dependenciesGuard';
+import { createMachine, transition, reduce, interpret, state, invoke } from '../robot3';
+import { runTypeDbMutationMachine } from './tql/machine';
+import { runSurrealDbMutationMachine } from './surql/machine';

Feel free to add more details to the issue description so Sweep can better address it. Alternatively, reach out to Kevin or William for help at

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