Blizzard / s2protocol

Python library to decode StarCraft II replay protocols
MIT License
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'_gameloop' times being off? #70

Open Nefariis opened 6 years ago

Nefariis commented 6 years ago

Im converting my sc2Reply to json and for the last SPlayerStatsEvent I am getting

    "m_playerId": 1, 
    "_eventid": 0, 
    "_event": "NNet.Replay.Tracker.SPlayerStatsEvent", 
    "_bits": 1312, 
    "_gameloop": 38911, 
    "m_stats": {
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedCurrentTechnology": 2925, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneFriendlyFireArmy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsFriendlyFireTechnology": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedCurrentEconomy": 12475, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneLostEconomy": 483, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedCurrentArmy": 4700, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsKilledArmy": 12200, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneCollectionRate": 1478, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedActiveForces": 4700, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsCollectionRate": 2525, 
        "m_scoreValueWorkersActiveCount": 72, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedCurrentArmy": 3925, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneLostArmy": 1917, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsKilledEconomy": 5700, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedCurrentTechnology": 8625, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedInProgressArmy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsLostEconomy": 3563, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsCurrent": 39269, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsLostArmy": 3622, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneKilledArmy": 7900, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneKilledTechnology": 25, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneKilledEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedInProgressTechnology": 100, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedInProgressArmy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsFriendlyFireArmy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedActiveForces": 3925, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneCurrent": 21883, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsLostTechnology": 2139, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsUsedInProgressEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsFriendlyFireEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedInProgressTechnology": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueFoodMade": 1134592, 
        "m_scoreValueMineralsKilledTechnology": 350, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneLostTechnology": 100, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneFriendlyFireEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedInProgressEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneUsedCurrentEconomy": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueVespeneFriendlyFireTechnology": 0, 
        "m_scoreValueFoodUsed": 647168

I know that ladder games are at a faster speed (x1.4) than real time. However, when I load the same sc2Reply into, they are telling me the total game time is 29minutes 50seconds. No matter how I do the math I cannot get my game times to line up with theirs - so am I completely looking at this wrong or is their math off?

Here is the replay in question - Eastwatch LE (251).zip

Thanks for the support,

amartin916 commented 6 years ago

Looks like the replay length is 28:59 (so yes GGGreplays time is off)

How I get the game length for sc2replaystats is the following:

LOTV floor(m_elapsedGameLoops / 11.2 )

HOTS/WOL floor(m_elapsedGameLoops / 8)

You can use the SPlayerStatsEvent but that's harder to deal with, with team games.

For the PlayStatsEvents getting the game loop i'm doing (floor(($object->_gameloop/$this->_base_divide_time)/7)*7);

Since I know that the replay keeps track of the game loop every 7 seconds (for lotv) , so i'm finding the closest 7 seconds.

Where $this->L_base_divide_time = 22.29 for LOTV and 16 for HOTS/LOTV

Nefariis commented 6 years ago

Alright so for the above snippet, if I use this equation -

print((floor((38911/22.29)/7)*7)/60) (how I understand your equation) -- I get 29.05 minutes print(((floor((38911/22.29)/7)*7)/60)) -- I get 29.0 minutes

As a side note - where is 22.29 coming from, why is floor necessary, and why does blizzard just put these in seconds from epoch? haha

amartin916 commented 6 years ago

I don't recall where I got the 22.29 from, I believe it was from trial and error :)

I copied it quickly out of my code, you wont need the floor most likely. What I found is my 22.29 is not exactly correct, its more than close enough that I find the right value but it does cause some issues if I don't floor it for how i'm building the active army chart on the site.

KevinCalderone commented 6 years ago

At "Normal" game speed, the game runs at 16 gameloops per second. At "Faster" game speed, it runs 40% faster. So the accurate number to divide by is likely (16 * 1.4) = 22.4.

Nefariis commented 6 years ago

thank you guys for the support - I know for a fact that I never would of put that together.

and @amartin916 - I just noticed that dividing by 7 and then multiplying by 7 equals 1

(((38911/22.4) / 7 ) * 7 ) / 60) = (38911/22.4) / 60)

amartin916 commented 6 years ago

Good catch! I will update my code :)