Block2Block / HubParkour

A fun Hub Parkour plugin with checkpoints, rewards and more!
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 10 forks source link

Reset Item "RED_BED" not working. #29

Closed Oskicz closed 1 year ago

Oskicz commented 1 year ago

When i (or my players) want to start parkour again and use the item "reset" red_bed It teleports to the first checkpoint but not restart parkour time please fix this ;C

(Using newest version 2.7.3 on 1.19.2 server)

Block2Block commented 1 year ago

This is intentional. If a user was to reset and the restart point is behind the start point, it will add additional time to their parkour time, so in order to make it fair, players must run back over the pressure plate to reset their time.