Block2Block / HubParkour

A fun Hub Parkour plugin with checkpoints, rewards and more!
Apache License 2.0
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Formatting codes (e.g. bold) failing to parse when using gradients #33

Closed HackuJacku closed 6 months ago

HackuJacku commented 1 year ago

When using HubParkour 2.7.4, alongside DecentHolograms 2.8.1, for the hologram messages, special formatting codes (e.g. &l for bold) is parsing to parse.

In the config, I have specified "<#fb0000>&l{parkour-name}</#ff9315>". The output should be the parkour-name in bold, with the gradient specified. However, the outcome appears as the following image:


When reproducing this with a hologram I had created, using DecentHolograms, I am unable to reproduce this issue.

Block2Block commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately, there is very little I can do. I pass the values inputted directly into the DecentHolograms API, so is likely a bug with Decent Holograms.