It's a simple user interfaces which displays dealers' stats over websockets. should handle all socket states. (reconnects . service going down ..etc)
react app build from scratch, not from samples from stack overflow
manage socket context in a shared web worker.
Yarn should be used prepare the react app and run it locally and inside docker
docker setup to deliver build artifacts using yarn (bundled html/css/js).
read me on how to run it ( to evaluate your documentation and language skills)
** please do not submit if any of the above deliveries are missing in your PR, you will not pass the test. ***
Please note:
There's no need for a dedicated design, just dress the data in some boilerplate template of your own choosing (simply put design is not evaluated)
** please do not submit if any of the above deliveries are missing in your PR, you will not pass the test. ***
Please note: There's no need for a dedicated design, just dress the data in some boilerplate template of your own choosing (simply put design is not evaluated)
Required API details.
sample code which listens to service updates.
json signal format