BlockSettle / dealer-monitoring-ui

dealer Monitoring UI
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[ui] Create a Web App to display dealer status updates #2

Open siraj opened 1 year ago

siraj commented 1 year ago


** please do not submit if any of the above deliveries are missing in your PR, you will not pass the test. ***

Please note: There's no need for a dedicated design, just dress the data in some boilerplate template of your own choosing (simply put design is not evaluated)

Required API details.

endpoint : wss://

sample code which listens to service updates.

import websocket
def on_message(wsapp, message):

wsapp = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://", on_message=on_message)

json signal format

   "service_id" : "03984203984",
                     "cut_off_at":"2022-12-13 11:30:00",
davrv93 commented 1 year ago


That user Fei X. @Ling19329 have posted the work on freelancer, and he didnt pay ! so be careful with him.