StandUp-Remote changes: This commit removes the CryptoSwift library and instead uses the iOS13 CryptoKit library for encrypting/decrypting node credentials, therefore the code for encrypting/decrypting was also updated. The Build folder was removed as it caused Xcode errors, the License and Readme were added. The Keychain-Swift library was updated for iOS13.3. The minimum mining fee target was changed to 3 days as it improves the UX of altering the mining fee and anything greater than 24 hours bottoms out at 1s/b anyway. Fixed the Bitcoin Core log button not showing the testnet3 debug log when user is on testnet.
StandUp-Remote changes: This commit removes the CryptoSwift library and instead uses the iOS13 CryptoKit library for encrypting/decrypting node credentials, therefore the code for encrypting/decrypting was also updated. The Build folder was removed as it caused Xcode errors, the License and Readme were added. The Keychain-Swift library was updated for iOS13.3. The minimum mining fee target was changed to 3 days as it improves the UX of altering the mining fee and anything greater than 24 hours bottoms out at 1s/b anyway. Fixed the Bitcoin Core log button not showing the testnet3 debug log when user is on testnet.