BlockchainCommons / GordianSeedTool-iOS

Cryptographic Seed Manager for iOS
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FEATURE: SSKR Shards to separate PDFs/NFC #123

Open ChristopherA opened 2 years ago

ChristopherA commented 2 years ago

This is really three intertwined features:

1 - Ability to save the SSKR scenario rnd() data used to generate a SSKR "session" to internal metadata of seed (?? local only or cloud also??), such that the next time you generate SSKR you have the option "Do you want to reprint the last session (keeping the last scenario and share the same values) or generate a new session (new scenario and new values)? (@shannona can you suggest a different text and define language for session and values?)

2 - Ability to share sequentially each shard separately, and mark each as completed. a - QR b - UR text or single page PDF to potentially different files system (dropbox, sd card, etc.) c - UR text to NFC cards (see feature #124 ) d - potentially future devices

3 - Ability to delete seed private values, keeping lifehash, fingerprints, and master public key, and IDs for SSKRs generated in past and ability to crypto-request seed, sskr or master private key back temporarily when a signature is requested for that key, deleting it after.

wolfmcnally commented 2 years ago
shannona commented 2 years ago
  1. I'm not convinced this is worth the complexity and confusion for the user. I'd just make sure users know that each set of SSKR shares is new and doesn't work with previous ones. We could have text in app and in the manual (some of that may already be there; I know we've discussed it before.)

If you did do it, your text could be something like "Do you want to reprint your previous SSKR shares or regenerate them with a fresh random seed (recommended)?"

  1. I would just list out the individual shares:

Share as Individual Shares

Be sure to save or share all shards. SSKR shares are different every time you generate them; if you only save or share some of these, you will not be able to return and share the rest at a later time.

[OIB] [QR] [share as ur:crypto-sskr]

[OIB] [QR] [share as ur:crypto-sskr]


wolfmcnally commented 2 years ago

We already have this:


ChristopherA commented 2 years ago
  • The fact that SSKR uses random numbers for each generation was designed in by the SLIP-39 creators, and I'd be careful about tearing down fences when you don't know why they were put up in the first place.

It exist to support multiple scenarios & refresh.

This means no shard in one scenario can be used in another. This allows you to have a self-sovereign scenario under your control & still have a 3 of 9 with friends. It also allows you to refresh your scenario if one shard is learned to be compromised, you can refresh without allowing the old shares to be used with new.

shannona commented 2 years ago

We already have this:


Thought we had something. That's great.