BlockchainCommons / GordianSeedTool-iOS

Cryptographic Seed Manager for iOS
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BUG: Writes to Large NFC Tags Fails #173

Open shannona opened 2 years ago

shannona commented 2 years ago

Writes to large NFC Tags never occur. No errors, no timeout, just no writing.

924 byte NFC Tags work fine at the upper end, 8 kbyte NFC Tags fail at the lower end. The exact boundary is presumably somewhere in between.

Potentially, this could be an issue with a single manufacturer. The precise cards we're having problems with are Mifare Desfire EV1 8K, part #B2004-5, or on Amazing B01FR6GZQY.

If we write an initial record on NFC Tools, they then become normally writable and readable, which suggests there is some way to do it in iOS, just not with Apple's normal tools.

wolfmcnally commented 2 years ago

I experienced this myself. After writing an initial file using NFC tools, the previously unusable card became usable in SeedTool. I have ordered another pack of the NFC cards so I can try to determine what state they are in before the first write. I'm going to tag this as an enhancement, not a bug because there are many other tags has not shown this failure mode.