BlockchainCommons / GordianSeedTool-iOS

Cryptographic Seed Manager for iOS
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BUG: Delete Output Descriptor, Paste New, Fails to Save #212

Open ChristopherA opened 3 months ago

ChristopherA commented 3 months ago

In GST 1.6.1 (79) iOS on iPhone 13 Pro Max:

I have a seed that I'm trying to back up to paper that has two different nested segwit descriptors active (account 0 and account 1). So I have identical seeds but two of them with slight different notes, and today I was was moving my descriptors from the notes to the new output descriptors field. This bug might be because I have two seeds the same, don't know.

The bug is that if you have a seed that already has an output descriptor in it, then delete it (x), and then paste a new output descriptor (with successful paste, it shows up), sometime it will fail to save when you go back to main menu. You return to the specific seed and it has the old descriptor in it still.

After several flails, I was able to get it to save by deleting the descriptor, go back to main seeds list, force quit app, and then selecting the seed, see that the descriptor field is blank, and pasting the replacement descriptor, and returning to main seeds list.

(P.S. though not relevant to this bug, once GST allows you to have multiple descriptors my need to print two different backups of the same seed might go away)