BlockchainCommons / GordianServer-macOS

Tor-protected full-node GordianServer for macOS
63 stars 8 forks source link

BUG: Install fails in latest PR #147 #150

Closed ChristopherA closed 2 years ago

ChristopherA commented 2 years ago

On my m1 mac, I updated my PR #147 to last nights commit 0b063d17de61f2e0549bf517f8d629a5f47bd370

I deleted my ~/.gordian folder, and built and run Gordian Server in Xcode. I get the initial "Install Bitcoin Core v22.0" window:


However, when I click "Install Now" it fails with:


This is my Gordian Log:

Creating ~/.gordian/BitcoinCore...
Saved to ~/.gordian/BitcoinCore/SHA256SUMS
Saved to ~/.gordian/BitcoinCore/SHA256SUMS.asc
Downloading Bitcoin Core 22.0 from
##O#- #                                                                       
##O=#  #                                                                      

#                                                                          1.6%
##                                                                         3.1%
###                                                                        5.6%
######                                                                     9.2%
#########                                                                 13.9%
#############                                                             18.7%
#################                                                         24.0%
#####################                                                     29.8%
#########################                                                 35.6%
#############################                                             41.5%
##################################                                        48.0%
#######################################                                   54.9%
###########################################                               61.1%
#################################################                         68.8%
######################################################                    76.3%
############################################################              84.3%
##################################################################        92.4%
######################################################################## 100.0%
Checking sha256 checksums bitcoin-22.0-osx64.tar.gz against provided SHA256SUMS
See two hashes (they should match):
Hashes match
Checking Signatures
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  3591  100  3591    0     0  13972      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13972
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
sh: gpg: command not found
Verifying Bitcoin.
ChristopherA commented 2 years ago

GPG is properly installed (I used brew install gpg pinentry-mac

% which gpg
shannona commented 2 years ago

I was not able to replicate this failure, but it's obviously a serious problem (so I held back the planned release today). One of my questions would be if it's related to gpg being in a different place, as mine is in the GPG Suite locale.

Fonta1n3 commented 2 years ago

@shannona @ChristopherA for sure GPG Suite is a much better experience... I have just made a couple commits which address this issue. The issue should be fixed but I would definitely recommend using GPG Suite instead.

Fonta1n3 commented 2 years ago

To be clear the commits should fix the error you are seeing @ChristopherA but I can not replicate it at all so please do test.

Generally speaking anytime you see derived data in an error message it would be a good idea to delete derived data folder. Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Click the derived data path > delete the folder

Fonta1n3 commented 2 years ago

That method of installing gpg does not seem to work for our purposes.

We need to spend a day testing the different methods of installing gpg (as there are many many options) on virtual machines and choose our supported option. I know gpg suite works which is why it is under our "supported apps" menu item.

shannona commented 2 years ago

Hopefully this was fixed with #146. Closing it unless someone sees the problem again, but thus far it's been non-repeatable.