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Named Entity Recognition (NER) #12

Open pymachado opened 2 months ago

pymachado commented 2 months ago
  1. Named Entity Recognition (NER) Module:

    • This module is designed to recognize and extract entities from text, such as user names and token symbols.
    • It leverages OpenAI's API to process text and identify these entities.
  2. Contracts Involved:

    • Alias Contract: This smart contract holds mappings of aliases to addresses. It helps in identifying and verifying users.
      • Example: AliasContract might map "Alice" to a specific blockchain address.
    • Token Information Contract: This smart contract holds the token symbols and names. It helps in identifying and verifying tokens.
      • Example: TokenInfoContract might map "ETH" to "Ethereum".
  3. Workflow:

    1. Entity Recognition: The NER module processes input text to identify entities such as user names and token symbols.
    2. API Calls: The system makes function calls to the smart contracts to retrieve the necessary information.
      • For a user alias, it queries the AliasContract to get the corresponding address.
      • For a token symbol, it queries the TokenInfoContract to get the full token name and additional details.
    3. Output: The system combines the information from the NER module and the smart contracts to identify and verify users and tokens accurately.

Example Workflow

  1. Input Text: "Alice sent 10 ETH"
  2. NER Module:
    • Identifies "Alice" as a user alias.
    • Identifies "ETH" as a token symbol.
  3. API Function Calls:
    • Calls AliasContract with "Alice" to get the blockchain address.
    • Calls TokenInfoContract with "ETH" to get the token details (e.g., "Ethereum").
  4. Output:
    • User: Alice -> Address: 0x123...
    • Token: ETH -> Ethereum

Smart Contract Interfaces

Here’s an example of what the smart contract interfaces might look like in Solidity:

// AliasContract.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract AliasContract {
    mapping(string => address) private aliases;

    // Add or update alias
    function setAlias(string memory alias, address addr) public {
        aliases[alias] = addr;

    // Retrieve address by alias
    function getAddressByAlias(string memory alias) public view returns (address) {
        return aliases[alias];

// TokenInfoContract.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract TokenInfoContract {
    struct TokenInfo {
        string name;
        string symbol;

    mapping(string => TokenInfo) private tokens;

    // Add or update token information
    function setTokenInfo(string memory symbol, string memory name) public {
        tokens[symbol] = TokenInfo(name, symbol);

    // Retrieve token info by symbol
    function getTokenInfoBySymbol(string memory symbol) public view returns (string memory) {
        return tokens[symbol].name;

Integration with OpenAI API

In your backend system, you would integrate the OpenAI API with these contracts to process text input and make the necessary contract calls:

# Pseudo-code for integrating NER and smart contracts

def identify_entities(text):
    # Call OpenAI API to identify entities in the text
    entities = openai_ner_api(text)
    return entities

def get_user_address(alias):
    # Call AliasContract to get the address
    address = alias_contract.getAddressByAlias(alias)
    return address

def get_token_info(symbol):
    # Call TokenInfoContract to get the token information
    token_name = token_info_contract.getTokenInfoBySymbol(symbol)
    return token_name

# Example usage
text = "Alice sent 10 ETH"
entities = identify_entities(text)

user_address = get_user_address(entities['user_alias'])
token_info = get_token_info(entities['token_symbol'])

print(f"User: {entities['user_alias']} -> Address: {user_address}")
print(f"Token: {entities['token_symbol']} -> {token_info}")

This setup ensures that your system can accurately identify and verify users and tokens using the power of NER combined with the reliability of blockchain smart contracts.

pymachado commented 2 months ago

Smart Contract core too set and hold alias and token symbol is done and tested.