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backlog #6

Open pymachado opened 4 months ago

pymachado commented 4 months ago

Ref #4 Sure, let's define a backlog of features to develop for the AI-Powered Decentralized Prediction Market Protocol:

  1. Prompt Structure

    • Define the structure and format of prompts to be sent to the OpenAI API for generating predictions.
    • Specify the required parameters and data inputs for each prediction prompt, such as historical price data, event details, and timeframes.
  2. Integration with OpenAI API

    • Implement the integration with the OpenAI API to fetch historical data and generate predictions for various events.
    • Develop mechanisms to securely handle API keys and authenticate requests to the OpenAI API.
  3. Smart Contract Architecture

    • Design the architecture of Ethereum smart contracts to govern prediction markets, prediction NFTs, and settlement mechanisms.
    • Define the data structures and functions required for creating, trading, and settling prediction NFTs on the blockchain.
  4. User Interface Design

    • Design a user-friendly interface for the platform, including web and mobile interfaces.
    • Develop features for creating prediction markets, trading prediction NFTs, and viewing prediction results.
  5. Prediction Market Creation

    • Implement functionality for users to create prediction markets for various events, specifying event details, prediction options, and timeframes.
    • Ensure proper validation and verification of prediction market parameters to prevent manipulation or fraud.
  6. Prediction NFT Minting

    • Develop smart contract functions for minting prediction NFTs based on generated predictions.
    • Implement metadata generation and storage for prediction NFTs, including predicted outcomes, timestamps, and event details.
  7. Trading Prediction NFTs

    • Enable users to buy, sell, and transfer prediction NFTs on the platform.
    • Implement order matching algorithms and trading mechanisms to facilitate efficient and fair trading of prediction NFTs.
  8. Automated Settlement

    • Develop smart contract functions for automatically settling prediction NFTs based on the accuracy of predictions.
    • Define criteria for determining the accuracy of predictions and distributing rewards to participants accordingly.
  9. Security and Auditing

    • Implement security measures to protect user funds, prevent unauthorized access, and mitigate potential attacks.
    • Conduct thorough auditing and testing of smart contracts to ensure they are secure and resilient to vulnerabilities.
  10. Scalability and Performance

    • Explore scalability solutions, such as layer 2 scaling solutions or sidechains, to enhance the throughput and performance of the platform.
    • Optimize smart contract code and infrastructure to minimize gas costs and improve transaction efficiency.
  11. Documentation and Support

    • Create comprehensive documentation for developers, including API documentation, smart contract guides, and user tutorials.
    • Provide ongoing support and assistance to users, addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and collecting feedback for continuous improvement.

By prioritizing and implementing these features, the AI-Powered Decentralized Prediction Market Protocol can be developed into a robust and user-friendly platform for trading predictions with the power of AI and blockchain technology.