Problem: for each blockchain project, there are usually people working on their own extensions etc. These are generally found on github. Blockrazor does not take these projects into account when providing the user with data.
use the github search API to populate a collection with relevant data. E.g search for "monero" and then for each result store:
github only supports 10 queries a second, this should be taken into account when constructing the cron job.
The results of this for each currency need to then be rendered in some meaningful way on the currency page.
Problem: for each blockchain project, there are usually people working on their own extensions etc. These are generally found on github. Blockrazor does not take these projects into account when providing the user with data.
solution: use the github search API to populate a collection with relevant data. E.g search for "monero" and then for each result store: html_url fork created_at updated_at stargazers_count watchers_count language forks_count
github only supports 10 queries a second, this should be taken into account when constructing the cron job.
The results of this for each currency need to then be rendered in some meaningful way on the currency page.
ping @anbud I'm guessing this one is for you.