Blockstream / esplora

Explorer for Bitcoin and Liquid
MIT License
978 stars 392 forks source link

Docker container from Docker Hub does not work out of the box for bitcoin regtest #443

Open meglio opened 1 year ago

meglio commented 1 year ago

Extract from my Docker Compose file:

        image: blockstream/esplora
        restart: always
        command: /srv/explorer/ bitcoin-regtest explorer
            - "8094:80"
            - "50001:50001"
            - ./cache/bitcoin/data/regtest:/data
            DEBUG: verbose
            NO_PRECACHE: 1
            NO_ADDRESS_SEARCH: 1
            ENABLE_LIGHTMODE: 1
            # When run for Bitcoin regtest or Liquid regtest, the esplora container will create a default wallet
            # and mine 100 blocks internally. You can disable this behavior by setting NO_REGTEST_MINING=1.
            NO_REGTEST_MINING: 1
            - bitcoin
            - bitcoin

Composer logs:

bot-esplora-1  | Enabled mode explorer
bot-esplora-1  | run-parts: failed to open directory /etc/run_once: No such file or directory
bot-esplora-1  | Started runsvdir, PID is 153
bot-esplora-1  | wait for processes to start....
bot-esplora-1  | 8-websocat: It is recommended to either set --binary or --text explicitly
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.350 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1n, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.5, Libzstd 1.4.8 and Glibc 2.31 as libc.
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.351 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.353 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.387 [warn] Couldn't find $HOME environment variable while expanding "~/.tor"; defaulting to "".
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.387 [warn] Default DataDirectory is "~/.tor".  This expands to "/.tor", which is probably not what you want.  Using "/var/tor" instead
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.391 [warn] ControlPort is open, but no authentication method has been configured.  This means that any program on your computer can reconfigure your Tor.  That's bad!  You should upgrade your Tor controller as soon as possible.
bot-esplora-1  | 2-Config { log: StdErrLog { verbosity: Trace, quiet: false, show_level: true, timestamp: Millisecond, modules: [], writer: "stderr", color_choice: Never }, network_type: Regtest, db_path: "/data/electrs_bitcoin_db/regtest/regtest", daemon_dir: "/data/bitcoin/regtest", blocks_dir: "/data/bitcoin/regtest/blocks", daemon_rpc_addr:, cookie: None, electrum_rpc_addr:, http_addr:, http_socket_file: Some("/var/electrs-rest.sock"), monitoring_addr:, jsonrpc_import: false, light_mode: true, address_search: false, index_unspendables: false, cors: None, precache_scripts: None, utxos_limit: 500, electrum_txs_limit: 100000, electrum_banner: "Welcome to electrs-esplora 0.4.1", electrum_public_hosts: None, electrum_announce: false, tor_proxy: Some( }
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:30.416+00:00 - DEBUG - Server listening on
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.440 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:30.442+00:00 - WARN - failed to connect daemon at Connection refused (os error 111)
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.445 [notice] Opened Socks listener connection (ready) on
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.446 [notice] Opening Control listener on
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.447 [notice] Opened Control listener connection (ready) on
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:30.456+00:00 - DEBUG - Running accept thread
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:30.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /usr/share/tor/geoip.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Bitcoin Core version v24.0.0 (release build)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using the 'sse4(1way),sse41(4way)' SHA256 implementation
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Default data directory /.bitcoin
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using data directory /data/bitcoin/regtest
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file: /data/.bitcoin.conf
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: regtest="1"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] blocknotify="pkill -USR1 electrs"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] fallbackfee="0.00001"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] listen="1"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] maxmempool="1000"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] mempoolfullrbf="1"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Config file arg: [regtest] server="1"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Command-line arg: conf="/data/.bitcoin.conf"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Command-line arg: datadir="/data/bitcoin"
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using at most 125 automatic connections (1048576 file descriptors available)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using 16 MiB out of 16 MiB requested for signature cache, able to store 524288 elements
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using 16 MiB out of 16 MiB requested for script execution cache, able to store 524288 elements
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Script verification uses 2 additional threads
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z scheduler thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z [libevent:warning] getaddrinfo: address family for nodename not supported
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Binding RPC on address ::1 port 18443 failed.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z [http] creating work queue of depth 16
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:30Z Using random cookie authentication.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Generated RPC authentication cookie /data/bitcoin/regtest/.cookie
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z [http] starting 4 worker threads
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Using wallet directory /data/bitcoin/regtest/wallets
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Verifying wallet(s)…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Using /16 prefix for IP bucketing
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Loading P2P addresses…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Creating peers.dat because the file was not found ("/data/bitcoin/regtest/peers.dat")
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Loading banlist…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Recreating the banlist database
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z SetNetworkActive: true
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Failed to read fee estimates from /data/bitcoin/regtest/fee_estimates.dat. Continue anyway.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Cache configuration:
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z * Using 2.0 MiB for block index database
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z * Using 8.0 MiB for chain state database
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z * Using 440.0 MiB for in-memory UTXO set (plus up to 953.7 MiB of unused mempool space)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Loading block index…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Validating signatures for all blocks.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Setting nMinimumChainWork=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Switching active chainstate to Chainstate [ibd] @ height -1 (null)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Opening LevelDB in /data/bitcoin/regtest/blocks/index
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Opened LevelDB successfully
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Using obfuscation key for /data/bitcoin/regtest/blocks/index: 0000000000000000
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 0
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=0, size=0, heights=0...0, time=1970-01-01...1970-01-01)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Checking all blk files are present...
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Initializing databases...
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Opening LevelDB in /data/bitcoin/regtest/chainstate
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Opened LevelDB successfully
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Wrote new obfuscate key for /data/bitcoin/regtest/chainstate: 2e9f8fd332b0a008
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Using obfuscation key for /data/bitcoin/regtest/chainstate: 2e9f8fd332b0a008
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Verifying blocks…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z  block index              66ms
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Setting NODE_NETWORK on non-prune mode
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z loadblk thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z UpdateTip: new best=0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206 height=0 version=0x00000001 log2_work=1.000000 tx=1 date='2011-02-02T23:16:42Z' progress=1.000000 cache=0.0MiB(0txo)
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z block tree size = 1
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z nBestHeight = 0
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Bound to
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z torcontrol thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Failed to open mempool file from disk. Continuing anyway.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Bound to [::]:18444
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z loadblk thread exit
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Bound to
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z 0 block-relay-only anchors will be tried for connections.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Starting network threads…
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z net thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z addcon thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z dnsseed thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z init message: Done loading
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z Loading addresses from DNS seed dummySeed.invalid.
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z msghand thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z opencon thread start
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z 0 addresses found from DNS seeds
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:31Z dnsseed thread exit
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:31.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /usr/share/tor/geoip6.
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [warn] You are running Tor as root. You don't need to, and you probably shouldn't.
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "default"
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] New control connection opened from
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 5% (conn): Connecting to a relay
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:32Z [tor] Got service ID gr6ew6gad33wx7sprgc2hd4npynctcel2g5zs54e4jqqrpoi5jmq2yad, advertising service gr6ew6gad33wx7sprgc2hd4npynctcel2g5zs54e4jqqrpoi5jmq2yad.onion:18444
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:07:32Z AddLocal(gr6ew6gad33wx7sprgc2hd4npynctcel2g5zs54e4jqqrpoi5jmq2yad.onion:18444,4)
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:32.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:33.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:33.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 20% (onehop_create): Establishing an encrypted directory connection
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:33.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 25% (requesting_status): Asking for networkstatus consensus
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:33.462+00:00 - INFO - NetworkInfo { version: 240000, subversion: "/Satoshi:24.0.0/", relayfee: 1e-5 }
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:33.468+00:00 - INFO - BlockchainInfo { chain: "regtest", blocks: 0, headers: 0, bestblockhash: "0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206", pruned: false, verificationprogress: 1.0, initialblockdownload: Some(true) }
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:33.471+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:33.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 30% (loading_status): Loading networkstatus consensus
bot-esplora-1  | run: bitcoin: (pid 183) 4s; run: log: (pid 181) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | run: electrs: (pid 204) 4s; run: log: (pid 202) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | down: nginx: 0s, normally up, want up; run: log: (pid 189) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | run: prerenderer: (pid 208) 4s; run: log: (pid 207) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | run: socat: (pid 187) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | run: tor: (pid 185) 4s; run: log: (pid 182) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | run: websocket: (pid 198) 4s; run: log: (pid 196) 4s
bot-esplora-1  | 5-
bot-esplora-1  | 5-> esplora@0.1.0 prerender-server
bot-esplora-1  | 5-> cd prerender-server && npm start "--cluster" "bitcoin-regtest"
bot-esplora-1  | 5-
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:35.000 [notice] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We have no usable consensus.
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 40% (loading_keys): Loading authority key certs
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:36.000 [notice] The current consensus has no exit nodes. Tor can only build internal paths, such as paths to onion services.
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:36.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 45% (requesting_descriptors): Asking for relay descriptors
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:36.000 [notice] I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We need more microdescriptors: we have 0/6531, and can only build 0% of likely paths. (We have 0% of guards bw, 0% of midpoint bw, and 0% of end bw (no exits in consensus, using mid) = 0% of path bw.)
bot-esplora-1  | 5-
bot-esplora-1  | 5-> esplora-serverside-render@0.1.0 start
bot-esplora-1  | 5-> ./ "bitcoin-regtest"
bot-esplora-1  | 5-
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:37.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:38.474+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:39.000 [notice] The current consensus contains exit nodes. Tor can build exit and internal paths.
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 5-HTTP server running on /var/prerender-http.sock
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 56% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 63% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:41.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 68% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:41.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:41.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:41.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:43.494+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 6-Mar 21 00:07:43.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:48.498+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:53.510+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:07:58.519+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:03.524+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:08.548+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:13.563+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:18.580+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:23.597+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:28.604+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:08:32Z Adding fixed seeds as 60 seconds have passed and addrman is empty
bot-esplora-1  | 4-2023-03-21T00:08:32Z Added 0 fixed seeds from reachable networks.
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:33.619+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 2-2023-03-21T00:08:38.636+00:00 - WARN - waiting for bitcoind sync to finish: 0/0 blocks, verification progress: 100.000%
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
bot-esplora-1  | 3-nginx: [error] failed to initialize Lua VM in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:61
velykodnyi commented 2 months ago

Fell into the same problem, looks like it was a problem with exact debian version and exact lua package version when using M-processor. I changed debian version to latest and built it with --platform=linux/amd64, and it runs succesfully on M-processor

wladpaiva commented 1 month ago

@velykodnyi could you publish your image? Kinda facing the same problem