BlogoText / blogotext-addons

Add-ons for BlogoText
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Roadmap addons for BT 3.8 #51

Open remrem opened 6 years ago

remrem commented 6 years ago

BlogoText 3.8 will bring some improvements and change for the addons systems, so here a to do list for convert addons from BT 3.7 to BT 3.8.

A dedicated branch is created for developping and testing purpose

When BlogoText 3.8 will be freezed, I will create a new branche for the addons ready for BT 3.8.

B4rb3rouss commented 6 years ago

Reminder to replace titre_url() by title_url() in addons using it (such as relatedpost)

remrem commented 6 years ago

Update addons to use new 'code' settings when needed.