Blood-Asp / GT5-Unofficial

Decompiled and modified version of GT5.07.07
160 stars 97 forks source link

Redistribution #1315

Open K1ltu opened 6 years ago

K1ltu commented 6 years ago

Hey guys i would like to know if its ok to redistribute a build of GT5-Unofficial that has been modified for sponge compatibility and with the render fixes by codewarrior @…a5dadd5c8d2f81?diff=split for a mod pack im almost ready to release

originally i was using the gregtech-5.10.41.jar from curse but the rendering issues caused massive fps drops after a few cables were placed making it unplayable and the changes for sponge is just commenting out "new GT_Worldgenloader().run()" in postload and rolling my own in another mod

i do not want to upload it as a project or anything just include it as a override in my pack but curse requires approval from the authors and its kinda shady if i don't ask regardless

other then what i stated above nothing else has been changed


(edit) i did try over on the ic2 fourms to get ahold of you guys but it seems its rarely checked

draknyte1 commented 6 years ago

Considering that 5.10 is in the midst of a total rewrite, I can't say yes or no. You'll have to get confirmation from @Exidex or Archengius.

K1ltu commented 6 years ago

ahh .... the source i used was the point that the curse version was released it was like june or july every thing seems to work just fine i am about to make a t1 fusion in my survival test run so far no issues and i haven't seen a 1.10 pack with GT in it so i think this will be a refreshing change im going for a tppi like feel but with modern mods i have even got one of the big modded servers ready to host it but need approval to redistribute this custom jar with the render fix

Exidex commented 6 years ago

@K1ltu Me and Archengius are ok with it

K1ltu commented 6 years ago

Woot thanks ill reference this to curse guys when i publish