It would be helpful in large environments where it takes time for AzureHound to parse through all the data to have some kind of indicator like Sharphound does. Just some visual indicator we can use to determine if it's still moving through data, or if something caused it to hang.
I tried setting -v 1 but that printed out basically every object it was currently working on. I'd be looking for a -v .5 that would indicate processing x objects or something along those lines
It would be helpful in large environments where it takes time for AzureHound to parse through all the data to have some kind of indicator like Sharphound does. Just some visual indicator we can use to determine if it's still moving through data, or if something caused it to hang.
I tried setting -v 1 but that printed out basically every object it was currently working on. I'd be looking for a -v .5 that would indicate
processing x objects
or something along those lines