BloodHoundAD / SharpHound2

The Old BloodHound C# Ingestor (Deprecated)
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Amaze all your friends with this small optimization #29

Closed Meatballs1 closed 6 years ago

Meatballs1 commented 6 years ago

With a few code changes you can probably get your Group enumeration to go about 20x faster:

Finished enumeration for XXX.COM in 00:02:20.2612317


Finished enumeration for XXX.COM in 00:00:05.3291053

Not sure about other queries - probably wont be as affected but will bring some additional speed gains.

At the moment you are recycling your LdapConnection for each query. Due to the way group membership is performed you are spinning up a new LdapConnection per group (in my domain that was only a small amount of groups, in large domains it can be tens of thousands+). Each LdapConnection has to do the whole Krb handshake on top of the ldap connection so it takes forever.

I just assigned conn to a local variable in Utils, made sure GetLdapConnection returned this value if it wasn't null, and stripped the using blocks around conn (in 3 places afaik). I haven't submitted a pull request as it was dirty, but its something I would recommend looking into.

Edit: I am running from non-domain joined /netonly command prompt - maybe if you are domain joined the Krb ticket is recycled? so the delay isn't quite as big. Unsure - haven't tested :)

Edit2: You probably want some exception/error checking if that LdapConnection gets destroyed at anypoint.

rvazarkar commented 6 years ago

Could you throw up a pull request so I can see what changes you made?

rvazarkar commented 6 years ago

Implemented in 2.0