BloodHoundAD / SharpHound2

The Old BloodHound C# Ingestor (Deprecated)
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Sharphound starts enumeration then quits #55

Open JeremyS132 opened 5 years ago

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

I am running SharpHound as a standard domain user. In the past, we were able to run BloodHound with no issues. I am using the default collection and running it with -verbose. We will get an initial run of 862 objects and it never increases from there all the output continues to show is below:

Initializing BloodHound at 11:40 AM on 2/7/2019 Resolved Collection Methods to Group, LocalGroup, Session, Trusts Starting Enumeration for [redacted] Status: 862 objects enumerated (+862 28.73333/s --- Using 90 MB RAM ) Status: 862 objects enumerated (+0 14.36667/s --- Using 90 MB RAM ) Status: 862 objects enumerated (+0 9.577778/s --- Using 47 MB RAM )

I have tried with multiple different options and flags and I cannot seem to get it to work.

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

Bump anyone have any insight on how to get this working? We didn't have any issues with the old Bloodhound.

rvazarkar commented 5 years ago

Looks like you're running into a crash of some kind. Can you run the exe directly if you're using the .ps1?

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention I am seeing this error with both the .ps1 and the .exe. They both get to the same point and just die out. They both only seem to enumerate 862 objects.

rvazarkar commented 5 years ago

I just recently pushed several changes, can you update your ingestor and try it again?

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I am still seeing the same issue:

.\SharpHound.exe --Verbose Initializing BloodHound at 3:27 PM on 2/18/2019 Resolved Collection Methods to Group, LocalAdmin, Session, Trusts, RDP, DCOM Starting Enumeration for [redacted] Status: 862 objects enumerated (+862 28.73333/s --- Using 45 MB RAM ) Status: 862 objects enumerated (+0 14.36667/s --- Using 45 MB RAM ) Status: 862 objects enumerated (+0 9.577778/s --- Using 45 MB RAM ) Status: 862 objects enumerated (+0 7.183333/s --- Using 46 MB RAM )

Edit: Seeing the same for both .ps1 and .exe

rvazarkar commented 5 years ago

Can you do collection methods individually so we can narrow down which particular method is causing issues?

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

I was able to run trusts successfully. I ran session and it appeared that it was going to succeed but I am seeing this:

Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5564396/s --- Using 47 MB RAM ) Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5482606/s --- Using 47 MB RAM ) Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5403187/s --- Using 47 MB RAM ) Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5326035/s --- Using 48 MB RAM ) Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5251056/s --- Using 48 MB RAM ) Status: 1119 objects enumerated (+0 0.5178158/s --- Using 49 MB RAM )

Ran with the following flags: .\SharpHound.exe --Verbose --SkipPing --CollectionMethod Session --Domain [redacted] --Threads 20

rvazarkar commented 5 years ago

That happens sometimes, it'll take a while but it'll eventually finish.

JeremyS132 commented 5 years ago

Any ideas on how long it would take to finish? I've let it run for quite some time and it still hasn't finished. Still seeing the above.