Bloodbat / SanguineMonsters

Original Sanguine Modules for VCV Rack.
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Beta distribuition S&H #2

Open glocke01 opened 2 weeks ago

glocke01 commented 2 weeks ago

Marbles parameterizes its X outputs using "bias and spread", and I assume it's using a Beta distribution. Whatever it uses, I suggest you create a module that breaks this out into a smaller panel allowing you to get random values according to the given distribution. It would be especially cool if you could put a little plot showing the shape of the distribution. Along the lines of my other request, you could also allow the user to set the seed and reset the RNG, effectively turning this random source into a sequencer. Also make it polyphonic and be sure it can make toast.

Bloodbat commented 2 weeks ago

I like the idea, it might happen, when... I don't know :P It would require external clocking; but that's a given. I wonder if I the 3 outputs should be kept or limit them to 1... functionality would be simpler with one output; but keeping three would, almost, provide 1/3 of Marmora. To make it complete... scale editing would need to be present as well (already did it once for Marmora :P, so, not a biggie). You forgot that it should run Doom (and Wolf3D, to give it a new feature) as well :P

glocke01 commented 2 weeks ago

My initial idea was simply a single output without quantization. IMHO multiple outputs makes more sense on Marbles where they correspond to triggers. Adding quantization and the "steps" control would, of course, make sense too, but the simplicity of a two-knob device is also nice.

(If you can play final fantasy 2 on a graphing calculator, what's to stop this S&H from playing Doom? I would prefer toast. My $0.02.)

Bloodbat commented 2 weeks ago

You can play FF2 on a graphic calculator? I didn't know :P

I found some stuff last night that could make more a more interesting final module... I'll see how that goes.