Bloomberg-Beta / Manual

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Radical transparency is the path to trust. #98

Closed mike-audi closed 3 years ago

mike-audi commented 3 years ago

ref. line 503.

Your data is being used to exploit, manipulate, and rip you off. You know it, I know it. Our data is at the center of many of the biggest problems we face online and off. The reason, we as users don't have a say over what happens to OUR data. Companies and governments make choices that benefit themselves first while users are left holding the bag.

We're building TIKI to give users this voice. For the first time, everyone (not just lawyers who read privacy policies) can understand and exercise this right.

We're building TIKI differently (as is Bloomberg-Beta). Everything we do is about user-centricity, transparency, and trust. It's how we build a sustainable competitive advantage.

roybahat commented 3 years ago

Love that you reached out here. Unfortunately, since we focus on the future of work, what you're doing (while we'd love for users to have more control over their data) is out of scope for what we understand well enough to back...