Blosc / c-blosc

A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library that can be faster than `memcpy()`.
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Blosc 1.7.0 compression uses more than uncompressed_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD #159

Open FlorianLuetticke opened 8 years ago

FlorianLuetticke commented 8 years ago

I have observed the following, but I am unsure, if this can be called an Issue.

Using a comp_buffer_size much larger than uncompressed_size and executing

int compressedSize = blosc_compress(compress_level,shuffel,block_size, uncompressed_size,uncompressed_buffer, comp_buffer,comp_buffer_size);

the compressedSize can be larger than uncompressed_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD, but will always be smaller than comp_buffer_size. For me, this was not clear from the documentation, I had the assumption, that compressedSize <= uncompressed_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD would always hold true.

This can be cured by working with

int compressedSize = blosc_compress(compress_level,shuffel,block_size, uncompressed_size,uncompressed_buffer, comp_buffer,uncompressed_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD );

Is there a performancechange between the two? Is this expected behavior?

FrancescAlted commented 8 years ago

Well, I think what you describe is completely compatible with the docstrings for blosc_compress():

The dest buffer must have at least the size of destsize. Blosc guarantees that if you set destsize to, at least, (nbytes+BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD), the compression will always succeed.

but I agree that guaranteeing compressedSize <= uncompressed_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD would be a good thing. A pull request on this is welcome.

FrancescAlted commented 8 years ago

Reviewing this, I think I did not understand well the question. In fact, Blosc ensures that destsize <= nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD. Do you have a use case breaking this rule? If so, please attach it here.

esc commented 5 years ago

@FlorianLuetticke any updates?

FlorianLuetticke commented 5 years ago

I think the behaviour was due to an error in my code. I selected a type_size which did not divide the uncompressed buffer size cleanly. (Example: Buffer of 100 byte, type_size of 8).

In this case, destsize <= nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD did not hold true.

esc commented 5 years ago

Interesting. This would indicate an API breakage. Blosc is supposed to guarantee, the data doesn't get bigger during compression and the above inequality should always hold true. Is there any chance you could put together a minimal example to illustrate your case?

davidhcefx commented 2 months ago

I encountered the same issue, except that my type_size == 1. When I provide destsize generously, it used up more spaces than expected, resulted in it running out of space:

total_size = /* sum_of_each_block */
total_size += (nb_block * BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD);
for (i = 0; i < nb_block; i++) {
    int r = blosc_compress_ctx(5, BLOSC_SHUFFLE, 1, blocksize[i], blockbuf[i],
            &dst[off], total_size - off, BLOSC_LZ4_COMPNAME, 0, 1);
    /* eventually r == 0 */
    off += r;

But when I give destsize more harshly, it didn't run out of space:

int r = blosc_compress_ctx(5, BLOSC_SHUFFLE, 1, blocksize[i], blockbuf[i],
        &dst[off], blocksize[i] + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD, BLOSC_LZ4_COMPNAME, 0, 1);
 /* always r != 0 */
FrancescAlted commented 2 months ago

Could you provide a minimal, self-contained example of this so that we can check this out?

davidhcefx commented 2 months ago

OK, I've managed to reduce to a minimal test case

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "/usr/local/include/blosc.h"

int main()
    char *src = "\xe0\x42\xcb\xfd\x23\x9b\xe1\x06\x50\x8d\x13\x10\x4c\xbf\xdd\xd2\x50\xdb\x87\x92\x42\x3e\xa2\xf1\x53\xd8\x43\x3c\x28\xb7\x78\x09\xfa"
    int src_size = 130;
    int total_len = src_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD + 100;
    int i;
    uint8_t dst[1024];
    int r = blosc_compress_ctx(5,  // clevel
            BLOSC_SHUFFLE,         // doshuffle
            1,                     // typesize
            src_size,              // nbytes
            src,                   // src
            dst,                   // dest
            total_len,             // <-- try change to src_size + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD
            BLOSC_LZ4_COMPNAME,    // compressor
            0,                     // blocksize, 0: automatic blocksize
            1                      // numinternalthreads
    printf("%d => %d (%d)\n", src_size, r, r - src_size);

    return 0;

It compressed 130 bytes to 154 bytes, which is obviously greater than nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD. If changed line 24 to a more harsh version, then it would not exceed nbytes + BLOSC_MAX_OVERHEAD. Although technically it is not violating the description among the docstrings, this behavior surprised us.