Blquinn / notes

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Localization #11

Open Hergeirs opened 2 years ago

Hergeirs commented 2 years ago

I really like the design and feel of the app so far.

If you are interested in supporting multiple languages I could issue a PR for it.

Blquinn commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks!

I'm definitely interested in localization. From what I understand the GNOME app template should be pretty well suited for localization and I do have some portion of the strings already being set with the localization functions.

What exactly would you like to set up?

Vistaus commented 2 years ago


If this gets implemented, then I'll provide the Dutch translation. 🙂

Hergeirs commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for being silent for so long. I lost access to my github right after I put this out, and when I had gotten it back I completely forgot all about this. (Some bs with 2fac and a broken phone) I was thinking of the generation of the .pot files (xgettext) and such. I can look into it again when I get time.

deusnovus commented 1 year ago

I would also love to provide Greek translation for this app. I'm really looking forward using this app on my daily workflow.

Blquinn commented 1 year ago

Cool! Let me know if I can contribute in this effort in some way.