BluABK / sane-subfeed

A sane subscription feed that - unlike YouTube - actually shows you the feed as-is. No silly omission of videos.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Find alternatives to installing by pip #4

Open BluABK opened 6 years ago

BluABK commented 6 years ago

PyQt5 and sip are currently limiting installation options to pip alone.

The file in the repository root directory is mostly a hack that makes pip install -e . work.

Stack Overflow answer suggests a few methods that can accomplish this.

Windows only

Linux only

Mac OSX only

Compatible with all plattorms

Note: It is possible to write a very complex that allows you to build using one or more tools on different platforms, but I have usually ended up storing separate configs (e.g. for clarity.

BluABK commented 5 years ago

I set up a clean Debian 9 VM to see if I could get the dependencies from an OS repo instead of pip and requirements.txt, but it fell short...

The last and final issue was:

File ".../googleapiclient/", line 365 in build_from_document
    http = credentials.authorize(http)
AttributeError: 'Credentials' object has no attribute 'authorize'

Revised install readme draft (if it had worked):

### 2. Requirements:
#### Pip (any distro)
*   Python 3.6 and above: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
*   Python 3.5 and below: `pip install -r requirements-py35.txt` _(NB: Will likely be deprecated in near future)_
#### Debian 9 (Testing)
apt-get install python3-alembic python3-cachetools python3-certifi python3-chardet python3-click
python-configparser python3-googleapi python3-google-auth python3-httplib2 python3-idna python3-mako python3-markupsafe
python3-oauthlib python3-pathtools python3-pil python3-pyasn1 python3-pyasn1-modules python3-pyqt5 python3-dateutil
python3-editor python3-pretty-yaml python3-requests python3-requests-oauthlib python3-rsa python3-six 
python3-sql-alchemy python3-uritemplate python-urllib3 

pip3 install ffmpeg-python google-auth-oauthlib PyQt5-sip google-auth-httplib2

### 2a. Optional dependencies (not yet)
#### CLI: Fancy progressbars
``apt-get install python3-tqdm``

#### Playback: existing video detection
``apt-get install python3-watchdog``

#### Download capability
``apt-get install youtube-dl``