BluSunrize / ImmersiveEngineering

Wires, transformers, high voltage! Bzzzzt!
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[1.10.2] Refinery: Crash when trying to pump in biodiesel back into refinery. #1339

Closed devilunaworkshop closed 8 years ago

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

crash-2016-08-28_02.47.27-server.txt crash-2016-08-28_02.45.41-server.txt

Server crashes, when piping biofuel from the barrel back into rafinery trough the side input pipe. (using only IE barrel and pipe)

SonOfTheStars commented 8 years ago

Why the heck do you even want to do that? XD

But yeah tha should not result in a NPE

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

Well, the drill description says "Fill in refinery" but refinery doesn't accept drill in any slot (also doesn't accept jerrycan into the GUI), Thought it might be due to insufficient amount of fuel (less then 10 buckets), so i tried to pump back some biodiesel back into refinery to get over 10 buckets in it. (later testing confirmed, that this doesn't help and refinery doesn't accept drill and jerrycan into the GUI)

SonOfTheStars commented 8 years ago

The Drill should be fillable from any kind of Tank by Right-Clicking...same as the Chemthrower. Same goes for Jerrycans, since these are juts Modified Buckets in the end.

But yeah refinery not accepting Jerrycans seems odd... Does it accept Buckets? If not, the Slot might be broken.

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

Jerrycan does not fill from barrel(treated wood). Buckets are accepted, but don't output as biodiesel buckets (refinery keeps empty bucket in input slot) IC2 Universal Fluid Cells are accepted and filled.

edit: Biofuel isn't placable from Universal Cell.

BluSunrize commented 8 years ago

Crash aside, could you please provide screenshots of hte refinery GUI and hte stuff you put inside it?

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

2016-08-28_20 15 01 2016-08-28_20 15 16 2016-08-28_20 15 44

SonOfTheStars commented 8 years ago

Seems like sth is messing up the Fluid containers...i noticed some error messages about universal buckets on IE startup too @BluSunrize

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

Also I seem to run into trouble with cable rendering, and wooden posts not extending arms when using engi hammer on them, Should i open issue for each separately or put it under "e-net and accesories troubles" collective topic?

BluSunrize commented 8 years ago

@Bitterholz could you maybe actually copy that exact message? Or better even, pastebin me an entire log, including all startup stuffs.

BluSunrize commented 8 years ago

@devilunaworkshop We already have issues on rendering, please confirm if they are the same you are experiencing.

devilunaworkshop commented 8 years ago

@BluSunrize Yes, I can confirm i run into already posted issues with cable rendering and black connectors. No issue with the wooden posts. Going to open one.

SonOfTheStars commented 8 years ago

@BluSunrize im somehow unable to recreate the problem...will try on tho

BluSunrize commented 8 years ago

Fixed in the upcoming release, I hope.