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[Compat?? Bug] - Collapsible Glider Enchantments #5968

Open AriaElidove opened 2 weeks ago

AriaElidove commented 2 weeks ago

Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version


Expected Behavior

I expected the Collapsible Glider to accept enchantments OR EMI to not show that it can be enchanted.

Actual Behavior

EMI shows that the Collapsible Glider is able to be enchanted with Curse of Vanishing, Curse of Binding, Mending, and Unbreaking 3 (yet not 1 or 2 for some reason???)

Steps to reproduce

Check the uses for the Collapisble Glider with EMI Look at Anvil Repairing tab in EMI Enchantments Try to enchant the Glider with an enchanted book of one of the previous enchantments; Mending Book, for example Fail to enchant and cry

Debug Crash Log

AriaElidove commented 2 weeks ago

Adding onto this, some items may follow this issue; Wire Cutters, for example.

BluSunrize commented 2 weeks ago

In my own testing with JEI, this doesn't happen. So I'm tempted to put this on EMI instead of us ^^