BluSunrize / ImmersiveEngineering

Wires, transformers, high voltage! Bzzzzt!
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loading world crashing #5991

Open FeewKiller opened 2 weeks ago

FeewKiller commented 2 weeks ago

Minecraft Version


Immersive Engineering Version

forge 47.2.14

How did it happen?

I do not know what going on with it but I just loading my world and it crash I cant even play

Crash Log

samu0070 commented 1 week ago

it hapened also to me idk how to resolve this bug. i've tried in another version of the immersive but the same thing hapened

BluSunrize commented 3 days ago

Sorry we don't support Minecraft Forge anymore.

Unless you can reproduce this issue on NeoForge, I'm not sure there is much I can do.