BlueAndi / RadonUlzer

Line follower, platooning, sensor fusion with DroidControlSystem and etc.
MIT License
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Implementation of data exchange mechanisms between robot and supervisor using Serial Webots drivers #138

Closed akrambzeo closed 4 months ago

akrambzeo commented 4 months ago

Main functions:

Initialization of the serial communication:

Initialize the serial driver in the robot and in the supervisor.

Sensor data transmission:

Sensor data is sent from the robot to the supervisor, and the supervisor receives the data.

Motor control:

The Supervisor sends the specified motor control data to the robot. The robot receives the motor control data and updates the motor speeds accordingly.

Reset Logic for Loss of Line Tracking:

Monitor sensor data for loss of line tracking. Initialize the robot's position and orientation after a fixed number of steps without line detection. Reset the robot to the standby state without recalibrating the motors and sensors.

Training or driving mode:

The mode (training or driving) is selected by pressing a button. If no button is pressed within a specified time, the robot will default to the training mode. Training or driving will not begin until the start/stop line is crossed.

gabryelreyes commented 4 months ago

@akrambzeo Please fix all CI errors

gabryelreyes commented 4 months ago

Please run the clang formatter from VSCode on all your files: alt + shift + F . This should fix some of the formatting issues.

gabryelreyes commented 4 months ago

Please add your application to the in the "The Applications" section