BlueBrain / Brayns

Visualizer for large-scale and interactive ray-tracing of neurons
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
288 stars 45 forks source link

braynsService logs a warning when loading a point cloud dataset #583

Closed rolandjitsu closed 5 years ago

rolandjitsu commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug When I load a point cloud dataset, the service logs the following warning:

Warning: creating an instance to a model that does not have a valid bounding box. epsilons for ray offsets may be wrong (only reporting first occurrence)

Steps To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start braynsService with no models
  2. Use the web UI to connect to the service
  3. Drag 'n' drop the point cloud dataset in the web UI
  4. Check the braynsService terminal log

Expected behavior There should be no warnings 😄

Screenshots Out of the whole brayns log:

[INFO ] Parsing command line options
[INFO ] -= Animation parameters =-
[INFO ] Animation frame          : 0
[INFO ] -= Application parameters =-
[INFO ] Engine                            : ospray
[INFO ] Ospray modules                    :
[INFO ] Window size                 : [ 800 600 ]
[INFO ] Benchmarking                : off
[INFO ] JPEG Compression            : 90
[INFO ] Temporary folder            : /tmp
[INFO ] Synchronous mode            : off
[INFO ] Image stream FPS            : 60
[INFO ] Max. render  FPS            : 18446744073709551615
[INFO ] -= Geometry parameters =-
[INFO ] NEST circuit file          :
[INFO ] NEST simulation report file:
[INFO ] NEST cache file            :
[INFO ] Cache file to load         :
[INFO ] Cache file to save         :
[INFO ] Color scheme               : none
[INFO ] Radius multiplier          : 1
[INFO ] Radius correction          : 0
[INFO ] Geometry quality           : high
[INFO ] Circuit configuration      :
[INFO ] - Config file              :
[INFO ]  - Targets                 :
[INFO ]  - Report                  :
[INFO ]  - Mesh folder             :
[INFO ]  - Density                 : 100
[INFO ]  - Start simulation time   : 0
[INFO ]  - End simulation time     : 3.40282e+38
[INFO ]  - Simulation step         : 0
[INFO ]  - Simulation values range : [ 1.79769e+308 2.22507e-308 ]
[INFO ]  - Histogram size          : 128
[INFO ]  - Bounding box            : [ 0 0 0 ] - [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ]  - Mesh transformation     : No
[INFO ] Morphology section types   : 255
[INFO ] Morphology Layout          :
[INFO ]  - Columns                 : 0
[INFO ]  - Vertical spacing        : 0
[INFO ]  - Horizontal spacing      : 0
[INFO ] Molecular system config    :
[INFO ] Metaballs                  :
[INFO ]  - Grid size               : 0
[INFO ]  - Threshold               : 1
[INFO ]  - Samples from soma       : 3
[INFO ] Use simulation model       : No
[INFO ] Memory mode                : Shared
[INFO ] Mesh filename pattern      :
[INFO ] -= Rendering parameters =-
[INFO ] Supported renderers               :
[INFO ] - basic
[INFO ] - proximity
[INFO ] - basic_simulation
[INFO ] - advanced_simulation
[INFO ] - raycast_Ng
[INFO ] - raycast_Ns
[INFO ] - scivis
[INFO ] - pathtracing
[INFO ] Renderer                          : basic
[INFO ] Samples per pixel                 : 1
[INFO ] Background color                  : [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ] Camera                            : perspective
[INFO ] Accumulation                      : on
[INFO ] Max. accumulation frames          : 100
[INFO ] -= Scene parameters =-
[INFO ] Color Map filename       :
[INFO ] Color Map range          : [ 0 255 ]
[INFO ] Environment map filename :
[INFO ] -= Streaming parameters =-
[INFO ] Stream compression                : on
[INFO ] Stream host                       :
[INFO ] Stream ID                         :
[INFO ] Stream port                       : 1701
[INFO ] Stream quality                    : 80
[INFO ] Stream resizing                   : on
[INFO ] -= Volume parameters =-
[INFO ] Dimensions      : [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ] Element spacing : [ 1 1 1 ]
[INFO ] Offset          : [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ] Initializing OSPRay
[INFO ] Initializing renderers
[INFO ] Initializing scene
[INFO ] Initializing camera
[INFO ] Initializing frame buffer
[INFO ] Engine initialization complete
[INFO ] Loading scene ...
[INFO ] 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
[INFO ] |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
[INFO ] [INFO ] World bounding box: [ 0 0 0 ] - [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ] World center      : [ 0 0 0 ]
[INFO ] Rockets server running on c9d232a7a99c:8200
[INFO ] Loading xyz monkey
Warning: creating an instance to a model that does not have a valid bounding box. epsilons for ray offsets may be wrong (only reporting first occurrence)

Additional context Point cloud dataset

2.187500 3.828125 -0.820313
-2.187500 3.828125 -0.820313
2.500000 3.437500 -0.468750
-2.500000 3.437500 -0.468750
2.734375 2.890625 -0.273438
-2.734375 2.890625 -0.273438
1.757812 3.085938 0.117187
-1.757812 3.085938 0.117187
1.757812 3.593750 -0.156250
karjonas commented 5 years ago

Fixed by