BlueBrain / NeuroTS

Topological Neuron Synthesis
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Trouble running #63

Closed riddick-the-furyan closed 1 year ago

riddick-the-furyan commented 1 year ago

I used the code on the epfl website for NeuroTS to extract inputs. I copied the code as is and got this error:

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 52
     49 result_dir = Path("results_extract_synthesis_inputs")
     50 result_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
---> 52 run(result_dir, Path("data"))

Cell In[2], line 11, in run(output_dir, data_dir)
      9 """Run the example for extracting inputs for synthesis."""
     10 # Generate distribution from directory of neurons
---> 11 distr = extract_input.distributions(
     12     data_dir / "neurons", feature="path_distances", diameter_model="default"
     13 )
     15 # Save distributions in a json file
     16 with open(output_dir / "test_distr.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\neurots\extract_input\, in distributions(filepath, neurite_types, threshold_sec, diameter_input_morph, feature, diameter_model)
     78         neurite_type_warning(neurite_type)
     79         neurite_types[i] = neurite_type + "_dendrite"
---> 81 pop_tmd =, use_morphio=True)
     82 pop_nm = load_morphologies(filepath)
     84 input_distributions = {"soma": {}, "basal_dendrite": {}, "apical_dendrite": {}, "axon": {}}

File ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tmd\io\, in load_population(neurons, user_tree_types, name, use_morphio)
    164     name = name if name is not None else os.path.basename(neurons)
    166 pop = Population.Population(name=name)
--> 168 for filename in files:
    169     try:
    170         if not use_morphio:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'files' referenced before assignment

I changed the directory in every possible way I know how to it still hasn't been working. Any help is greatly appreciated.

adrien-berchet commented 1 year ago

Hi @riddick-the-furyan

This error actually comes from TMD, not directly from NeuroTS. Anyway, I guess you use the last version TMD==2.2.0? If it is the case, there is currently no check on the given inputs and this can lead to this UnboundLocalError (this was fixed in but it's not released yet).

Anyway, this error can be caused by several things but in your case it seams the directory data_dir / "neurons" does not exist. Is this possible?

riddick-the-furyan commented 1 year ago

Thanks I managed to fix it.

adrien-berchet commented 1 year ago

Ok, great! In the mean time I released a new version of TMD, which should provide more information about such error.