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Alternatives to GROBID (PDF parsing) #476

Open jankrepl opened 2 years ago

jankrepl commented 2 years ago

Are there any alternatives to GROBID and would there be any major advantages in using them?

Alternatives (feel free to add new entries)

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If we go for a pure Python solution there might not be need for intermediary formats (i.e. TEI XML for GROBID)

FrancescoCasalegno commented 2 years ago

I think that having a benchmark of various possible solutions is a good idea.

I also agree that using GROBID creates some complications:

But maybe for the moment, we can wait to see some failure cases of GROBID on our articles before thinking about alternatives. In the end GROBID seems to be a well-established solution, used e.g. by the creator of CORD-19. What do you think @jankrepl ?

FrancescoCasalegno commented 2 years ago

Also, I had a look at the paper they used in that blog post for their benchmark:

I think it looks a bit simple (was it written in Google Docs/Word and then saved as PDF?) compared to other two-column articles with lots of figures and tables generated with LaTeX like the ones we have to deal with.

So when we want to run this benchmark I think we should test also on different kinds of papers.

EmilieDel commented 2 years ago

Small side note related to this: GROBID is saving the version used to convert the PDF to TEI XML in the xml file (see here).

pafonta commented 2 years ago

As an alternative to GROBID, there is the solution here, developed in the context of OpenMinTeD.

The extracted text could be accessed through document_text here.