BlueBrain / nmodl

Code Generation Framework For NEURON MODeling Language
Apache License 2.0
49 stars 15 forks source link

Improvements for MOD files compilation workflow #1188

Open pramodk opened 4 months ago

pramodk commented 4 months ago


As part of this ticket I would like to implement some QoL improvements when using NMODL.


Let's take an example of MOD files directory from BB5:


When I compile that with nrnivmodl-core, I see the following:

$ nrnivmodl-core mechanisms/
[INFO] Running: make -j4 -f /gpfs/ ROOT=/gpfs/ MODS_PATH=x86_64/corenrn/mod2c BUILD_TYPE=SHARED NRN_PRCELLSTATE=0
make: xcrun: Command not found
Default NMODL flags:
diff: x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/_mod_func.cpp: No such file or directory
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: k [Argument] in exp1 shadows <ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "oinf" variable found at [21.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "tau" variable found at [21.15-17] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: k [Argument] in exp1 shadows <ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: k [Argument] in exp1 shadows <ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cacumm.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <range parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "minf" variable found at [36.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "tau" variable found at [36.21-23] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <range parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <range parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "hinf" variable found at [35.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "minf" variable found at [35.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taum" variable found at [35.26-29] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "tauh" variable found at [35.31-34] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in h2 shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cat.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "hinf" variable found at [40.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "minf" variable found at [40.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "mtau" variable found at [40.26-29] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "htau" variable found at [40.31-34] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: celsius [Argument] in KTF shadows <parameter extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/exp2syn.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/expsyn.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/h_clk_new.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "linf" variable found at [35.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taul" variable found at [35.22-25] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/hh.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kadist.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [38.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "linf" variable found at [38.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taul" variable found at [38.26-29] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [38.31-34] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kaprox.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [39.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "linf" variable found at [39.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taul" variable found at [39.26-29] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [39.31-34] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kca.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in evaluate_fct shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in evaluate_fct shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: cai [Argument] in evaluate_fct shadows <parameter read_ion> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kdb.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [29.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [29.14-17] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kdbm.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [29.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [29.14-17] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kdrbca1.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [31.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [31.14-17] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kdrca1.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "ninf" variable found at [31.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taun" variable found at [31.14-17] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/kmb.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "inf" variable found at [32.14-16] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "tau" variable found at [32.19-21] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/na3n.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/naxn.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "minf" variable found at [12.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "hinf" variable found at [12.15-18] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "mtau" variable found at [12.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "htau" variable found at [12.27-30] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "sinf" variable found at [12.33-36] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taus" variable found at [12.39-42] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "minf" variable found at [12.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "hinf" variable found at [12.15-18] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "mtau" variable found at [12.21-24] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "htau" variable found at [12.27-30] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: sh [Argument] in trates shadows <range parameter> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/netstim.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: t [Argument] in init_sequence shadows <extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: t [Argument] in init_sequence shadows <extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: SYMTAB :: t [Argument] in init_sequence shadows <extern_neuron_var> definition in NMODL_GLOBAL
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: Can not inline function call to erand
[NMODL] [warning] :: Can not inline function call to erand
[NMODL] [warning] :: Can not inline function call to erand
[NMODL] [warning] :: Can not inline function call to erand
[NMODL] [warning] :: Can not inline function call to erand
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/passive.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/pattern.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/stim.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
[NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/svclmp.mod
[NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [warning] :: CVode solver of icur in 64.20-30 replaced with cnexp solver
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
[NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:113:24: error: use of undeclared identifier 'oinf'; did you mean 'sinf'?
        {"oinf_cagk", &oinf},
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:65:1: note: 'sinf' declared here
__MATHCALL (sin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/usr/include/math.h:54:3: note: expanded from macro '__MATHCALL'
  __MATHDECL (_Mdouble_,function,suffix, args)
/usr/include/math.h:56:3: note: expanded from macro '__MATHDECL'
  __MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args); \
/usr/include/math.h:64:15: note: expanded from macro '__MATHDECL_1'
  extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix) args __THROW
/usr/include/math.h:86:34: note: expanded from macro '__MATH_PRECNAME'
# define __MATH_PRECNAME(name,r) name##f##r
<scratch space>:109:1: note: expanded from here
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:114:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'; did you mean 'tan'?
        {"tau_cagk", &tau},
/gpfs/ note: 'tan' declared here
using std::tan;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:113:23: error: cannot initialize a member subobject of type 'double *' with an rvalue of type 'float (*)(float) throw()'
        {"oinf_cagk", &oinf},
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:114:23: error: address of overloaded function 'tan' does not match required type 'double'
        {"tau_cagk", &tau},
/gpfs/ note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'typename __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<__is_integer<_Tp>::__value, double>::__type (_Tp)' against 'double'
    tan(_Tp __x)
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:179:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:179:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:182:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
            thread[thread_var_tid()].pval = inst->global->thread_data;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:183:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:183:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:190:46: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
        if (thread[thread_var_tid()].pval == inst->global->thread_data) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:191:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:191:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:322:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
        tau = 1.0 / (a + bet_in_0);
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:323:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'oinf'
        oinf = a * tau;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:323:20: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
        oinf = a * tau;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:421:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
                    tau = 1.0 / (a + bet_in_0);
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:422:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'oinf'
                    oinf = a * tau;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:422:32: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
                    oinf = a * tau;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:424:31: error: use of undeclared identifier 'oinf'
                inst->o[id] = oinf;
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
20 errors generated.
make: *** [x86_64/corenrn/build/cagk.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:116:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
        {"minf_cal", &minf},
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:117:22: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'; did you mean 'tan'?
        {"tau_cal", &tau},
/gpfs/ note: 'tan' declared here
using std::tan;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:182:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:182:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:185:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
            thread[thread_var_tid()].pval = inst->global->thread_data;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:186:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:186:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:193:46: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
        if (thread[thread_var_tid()].pval == inst->global->thread_data) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:194:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:194:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:316:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
        minf = a * b;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:327:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
        tau = betmt_in_0 / (qt * inst->global->a0m * (1.0 + alpmt_in_0));
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:328:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
        if (tau < inst->global->mmin / qt) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:329:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
            tau = inst->global->mmin / qt;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:453:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
                    minf = a * b;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:464:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
                    tau = betmt_in_0 / (qt * inst->global->a0m * (1.0 + alpmt_in_0));
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:465:25: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
                    if (tau < inst->global->mmin / qt) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:466:25: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tau'
                        tau = inst->global->mmin / qt;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.cpp:469:31: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
                inst->m[id] = minf;
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
20 errors generated.
make: *** [x86_64/corenrn/build/cal2.o] Error 1
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cacumm.cpp:413:9: warning: loop not vectorized: the optimizer was unable to perform the requested transformation; the transformation might be disabled or specified as part of an unsupported transformation ordering [-Wpass-failed=transform-warning]
        #pragma omp simd
1 warning generated.
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:118:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'hinf'; did you mean 'sinf'?
        {"hinf_can", &hinf},
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:65:1: note: 'sinf' declared here
__MATHCALL (sin,, (_Mdouble_ __x));
/usr/include/math.h:54:3: note: expanded from macro '__MATHCALL'
  __MATHDECL (_Mdouble_,function,suffix, args)
/usr/include/math.h:56:3: note: expanded from macro '__MATHDECL'
  __MATHDECL_1(type, function,suffix, args); \
/usr/include/math.h:64:15: note: expanded from macro '__MATHDECL_1'
  extern type __MATH_PRECNAME(function,suffix) args __THROW
/usr/include/math.h:86:34: note: expanded from macro '__MATH_PRECNAME'
# define __MATH_PRECNAME(name,r) name##f##r
<scratch space>:109:1: note: expanded from here
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:119:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
        {"minf_can", &minf},
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:120:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tauh'; did you mean 'tanh'?
        {"tauh_can", &tauh},
/gpfs/ note: 'tanh' declared here
using std::tanh;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:121:23: error: use of undeclared identifier 'taum'
        {"taum_can", &taum},
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:186:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:186:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
        if (inst->global->thread_data_in_use) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:189:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
            thread[thread_var_tid()].pval = inst->global->thread_data;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:190:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:190:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:197:46: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
        if (thread[thread_var_tid()].pval == inst->global->thread_data) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:198:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:198:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:323:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'minf'
        minf = a * b;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:334:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'taum'
        taum = betmt_in_0 / (qt * inst->global->a0m * (1.0 + alpmt_in_0));
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:335:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'taum'
        if (taum < inst->global->mmin / qt) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:336:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'taum'
            taum = inst->global->mmin / qt;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:350:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'hinf'
        hinf = a * b;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:351:9: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tauh'
        tauh = 80.0;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/can2.cpp:352:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tauh'
        if (tauh < inst->global->hmin) {
fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
20 errors generated.
make: *** [x86_64/corenrn/build/can2.o] Error 1


  1. We should change default log level from info to warning IMO. When we have tens of MOD files, having those info level logs are not helpful:
    [NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running nmodl inline visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running local variable rename visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running cnexp visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running C++ backend code generator
    [NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cacumm.mod
    [NMODL] [info] :: Processing x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cal2.mod
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running symtab visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running semantic analysis visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
    [NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
  2. When multiple MOD files are translated and compiled, it's difficult to understand error log belongs to which MOD file. For example:
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "oinf" variable found at [21.9-12] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations

I don't know which MOD file this refers to. Having mod file name in this log would be nice.

  1. Do we abort the NMODL translation when incompatibility visitor detect errors? If it's not the case then it should.
[NMODL] [info] :: Running CVode to cnexp visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running code compatibility checker
[NMODL] [error] :: Code incompatibility detected
[NMODL] [error] :: Cannot translate mod file to .cpp file
[NMODL] [error] :: Fix the following errors and try again
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "linf" variable found at [35.16-19] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [error] :: Code Incompatibility :: "taul" variable found at [35.22-25] should be defined as a RANGE variable instead of GLOBAL to enable backend transformations
[NMODL] [info] :: Running verbatim rename visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running KINETIC block visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Running STEADYSTATE visitor
[NMODL] [info] :: Parsing Units
  1. In most of the cases user shouldn't end-up seeing compilation errors like the below:
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:183:17: error: cannot use arrow operator on a type
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 1;
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:190:46: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'
        if (thread[thread_var_tid()].pval == inst->global->thread_data) {
x86_64/corenrn/mod2c/cagk.cpp:191:13: error: use of undeclared identifier 'inst'; did you mean 'int'?
            inst->global->thread_data_in_use = 0;

i.e. I am not sure if this is because we didn't abort right after incompatibility error detected or there is some other reason.

JCGoran commented 4 months ago

We should change default log level from info to warning IMO. When we have tens of MOD files, having those info level logs are not helpful


When multiple MOD files are translated and compiled, it's difficult to understand error log belongs to which MOD file.

I think this is because the AST is not aware of which file it came from (which is good for separation of concerns, not so good for debugging), so I'm not sure what the proper fix for this would be.

Do we abort the NMODL translation when incompatibility visitor detect errors? If it's not the case then it should. In most of the cases user shouldn't end-up seeing compilation errors like the below

It turns out these two are related: NMODL actually does abort by default (i.e. returns a status code of 1), it's just that /gpfs/ passes the following to NMODL:

nmodl_arguments_c=host --c passes --inline codegen --force

Due to --force in the above, NMODL happily exits with a 0 status code, thereby creating a CPP file which cannot be compiled, thereby causes the 2 issues. After some digging around, I think removing this line from the Spack recipe here should fix it:

pramodk commented 4 months ago

I think this is because the AST is not aware of which file it came from (which is good for separation of concerns, not so good for debugging), so I'm not sure what the proper fix for this would be.

I should look into the code but when we launch nmodl foo.mod, nmodl offer could print foo.mod also in all log messages and hence it would be easy to identify? Is that a possibility?

After some digging around, I think removing this line from the Spack recipe here should fix it:

--force was definitely added in old days to have forced behavior. I don't remember if that is needed in 2024. So certainly something should be checked!

1uc commented 4 months ago

Maybe slightly off topic. The line numbers should be reviewed, since they might refer to a line number in the MOD file or they might refer to a line number of some intermediate file.