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Code Generation Framework For NEURON MODeling Language
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Incorrect NMODL parsing error #764

Closed Helveg closed 2 years ago

Helveg commented 2 years ago

Parsing the NMODL below yields the following error, but to me seems like a valid expression?

RuntimeError: NMODL Parser Error : syntax error, unexpected (, expecting INTEGER or DEFINEDVAR or NAME or PRIME [Location : 204.11]

Offending line:

    ~ ca <-> (0, -ica*PI*diam/(2*FARADAY))
: Calcium ion accumulation with endogenous buffers, DCM and pump


The basic code of Example 9.8 and Example 9.9 from NEURON book was adapted as:

1) Extended using parameters from Schmidt et al. 2003.
2) Pump rate was tuned according to data from Maeda et al. 1999
3) DCM was introduced and tuned to approximate the effect of radial diffusion

Reference: Anwar H, Hong S, De Schutter E (2010) Controlling Ca2+-activated K+ channels with models of Ca2+ buffering in Purkinje cell. Cerebellum*

*Article available as Open Access

PubMed link:

Written by Haroon Anwar, Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, 2010.
Contact: Haroon Anwar (


  SUFFIX cdp5
  USEION ca READ cao, ica WRITE cai
  RANGE Nannuli, Buffnull2, rf3, rf4, vrat
  RANGE TotalPump


    (mol)   = (1)
    (molar) = (1/liter)
    (mM)    = (millimolar)
    (um)    = (micron)
    (mA)    = (milliamp)

  FARADAY = 9.652 : Farady constant (coulomb/mol)
  PI = 3.14

  diam      (um)
    Nannuli = 10.9495 (1)
    celsius (degC)

    cainull = 45e-6 (mM)
        mginull =.59    (mM)

:   values for a buffer compensating the diffusion

    Buffnull1 = 0   (mM)
    rf1 = 0.0134329 (/ms mM)
    rf2 = 0.0397469 (/ms)

    Buffnull2 = 60.9091 (mM)
    rf3 = 0.1435    (/ms mM)
    rf4 = 0.0014    (/ms)

:   values for benzothiazole coumarin (BTC)
    BTCnull = 0 (mM)
    b1 = 5.33   (/ms mM)
    b2 = 0.08   (/ms)

:   values for caged compound DMNPE-4
    DMNPEnull = 0   (mM)
    c1 = 5.63   (/ms mM)
    c2 = 0.107e-3   (/ms)

:       values for Calbindin (2 high and 2 low affinity binding sites)

        :CBnull=    .16             (mM)
        :nf1   =43.5           (/ms mM)
        :nf2   =3.58e-2        (/ms)
        :ns1   =5.5            (/ms mM)
        :ns2   =0.26e-2        (/ms)

:       values for Parvalbumin

        PVnull  = .08           (mM)
        m1    = 1.07e2        (/ms mM)
        m2    = 9.5e-4                (/ms)
        p1    = 0.8           (/ms mM)
        p2    = 2.5e-2                (/ms)

    kpmp1    = 3e-3       (/mM/ms)
    kpmp2    = 1.75e-5   (/ms)
    kpmp3    = 7.255e-5  (/ms)
    TotalPump = 1e-9    (mol/cm2)


    parea     (um)     : pump area per unit length
    parea2    (um)
    mgi (mM)
    vrat    (1)

CONSTANT { cao = 2  (mM) }

    : ca[0] is equivalent to cai
    : ca[] are very small, so specify absolute tolerance
    : let it be ~1.5 - 2 orders of magnitude smaller than baseline level

    ca      (mM) : <1e-3>
    mg      (mM) : <1e-6>

    Buff1       (mM)
    Buff1_ca    (mM)

    Buff2       (mM)
    Buff2_ca    (mM)

    BTC     (mM)
    BTC_ca      (mM)

    DMNPE       (mM)
    DMNPE_ca    (mM)

        :CB     (mM)
        :CB_f_ca        (mM)
        :CB_ca_s        (mM)
        :CB_ca_ca   (mM)

        PV      (mM)
        PV_ca       (mM)
        PV_mg       (mM)

    pump        (mol/cm2) : <1e-15>
    pumpca      (mol/cm2) : <1e-15>


    SOLVE state METHOD sparse
  cai = ca


        ca = cainull
        mg = mginull

        Buff1 = ssBuff1()
        Buff1_ca = ssBuff1ca()

        Buff2 = ssBuff2()
        Buff2_ca = ssBuff2ca()

        BTC = ssBTC()
        BTC_ca = ssBTCca()

        DMNPE = ssDMNPE()
        DMNPE_ca = ssDMNPEca()

        :CB = ssCB( kdf(), kds())
            :CB_f_ca = ssCBfast( kdf(), kds())
            :CB_ca_s = ssCBslow( kdf(), kds())
            :CB_ca_ca = ssCBca( kdf(), kds())

            PV = ssPV( kdc(), kdm())
            PV_ca = ssPVca(kdc(), kdm())
            PV_mg = ssPVmg(kdc(), kdm())

    parea = PI*diam
    parea2 = PI*(diam-0.2)
    pump = TotalPump
    pumpca = 0

    cai = ca

PROCEDURE factors() {
        LOCAL r, dr2
        r = 1/2                : starts at edge (half diam)
        dr2 = r/(Nannuli-1)/2  : full thickness of outermost annulus,
        vrat = PI*(r-dr2/2)*2*dr2  : interior half
        r = r - dr2

KINETIC state {
  LOCAL dsq, dsqvol
  COMPARTMENT diam*diam*vrat {ca mg Buff1 Buff1_ca Buff2 Buff2_ca BTC BTC_ca DMNPE DMNPE_ca PV PV_ca PV_mg}
  COMPARTMENT (1e10)*parea {pump pumpca}

    ~ ca + pump <-> pumpca  (kpmp1*parea*(1e10), kpmp2*parea*(1e10))
    ~ pumpca <-> pump   (kpmp3*parea*(1e10), 0)
    CONSERVE pump + pumpca = TotalPump * parea * (1e10)

    : all currents except pump
    : ica is Ca efflux
    ~ ca <-> (0, -ica*PI*diam/(2*FARADAY))

    :RADIAL DIFFUSION OF ca, mg and mobile buffers

    dsq = diam*diam
        dsqvol = dsq*vrat
        ~ ca + Buff1 <-> Buff1_ca (rf1*dsqvol, rf2*dsqvol)
        ~ ca + Buff2 <-> Buff2_ca (rf3*dsqvol, rf4*dsqvol)
        ~ ca + BTC <-> BTC_ca (b1*dsqvol, b2*dsqvol)
        ~ ca + DMNPE <-> DMNPE_ca (c1*dsqvol, c2*dsqvol)
        :~ ca + CB <-> CB_ca_s (nf1*dsqvol, nf2*dsqvol)
            :~ ca + CB <-> CB_f_ca (ns1*dsqvol, ns2*dsqvol)
            :~ ca + CB_f_ca <-> CB_ca_ca (nf1*dsqvol, nf2*dsqvol)
            :~ ca + CB_ca_s <-> CB_ca_ca (ns1*dsqvol, ns2*dsqvol)

            ~ ca + PV <-> PV_ca (m1*dsqvol, m2*dsqvol)
            ~ mg + PV <-> PV_mg (p1*dsqvol, p2*dsqvol)

    mgi = mg

FUNCTION ssBuff1() (mM) {
    ssBuff1 = Buffnull1/(1+((rf1/rf2)*cainull))
FUNCTION ssBuff1ca() (mM) {
    ssBuff1ca = Buffnull1/(1+(rf2/(rf1*cainull)))
FUNCTION ssBuff2() (mM) {
        ssBuff2 = Buffnull2/(1+((rf3/rf4)*cainull))
FUNCTION ssBuff2ca() (mM) {
        ssBuff2ca = Buffnull2/(1+(rf4/(rf3*cainull)))

    ssBTC = BTCnull/(1+((b1/b2)*cainull))

FUNCTION ssBTCca() (mM) {
    ssBTCca = BTCnull/(1+(b2/(b1*cainull)))

    ssDMNPE = DMNPEnull/(1+((c1/c2)*cainull))

    ssDMNPEca = DMNPEnull/(1+(c2/(c1*cainull)))

:FUNCTION ssCB( kdf(), kds()) (mM) {
:   ssCB = CBnull/(1+kdf()+kds()+(kdf()*kds()))
:FUNCTION ssCBfast( kdf(), kds()) (mM) {
:   ssCBfast = (CBnull*kds())/(1+kdf()+kds()+(kdf()*kds()))
:FUNCTION ssCBslow( kdf(), kds()) (mM) {
:   ssCBslow = (CBnull*kdf())/(1+kdf()+kds()+(kdf()*kds()))
:FUNCTION ssCBca(kdf(), kds()) (mM) {
:   ssCBca = (CBnull*kdf()*kds())/(1+kdf()+kds()+(kdf()*kds()))
:FUNCTION kdf() (1) {
:   kdf = (cainull*nf1)/nf2
:FUNCTION kds() (1) {
:   kds = (cainull*ns1)/ns2
FUNCTION kdc() (1) {
    kdc = (cainull*m1)/m2
FUNCTION kdm() (1) {
    kdm = (mginull*p1)/p2
FUNCTION ssPV(kdc_0, kdm_0) (mM) {
    ssPV = PVnull/(1+kdc_0+kdm_0)
FUNCTION ssPVca(kdc_0, kdm_0) (mM) {
    ssPVca = (PVnull*kdc_0)/(1+kdc_0+kdm_0)
FUNCTION ssPVmg(kdc_0, kdm_0) (mM) {
    ssPVmg = (PVnull*kdm_0)/(1+kdc_0+kdm_0)
Helveg commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, the ~x <-> (A, B) syntax is only valid in Arbor's dialect I suppose!

pramodk commented 2 years ago

NMODL supports syntax supported by NEURON. With NEURON I see:

$  nocmodl a.mod
Translating a.mod into a.c
syntax error:
 Illegal reaction syntax:
 Illegal block at line 204 in file a.mod
    ~ ca <-> (0, -ica*PI*diam/(2*FARADAY))
Helveg commented 2 years ago

Yea I hadn't noticed that this was a change I made only in the Arbor version since they don't support the << syntax, mea culpa :)