BlueQuartzSoftware / DREAM3D

Data Analysis program and framework for materials science data analytics, based on the managing framework SIMPL framework.
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Windows SDK broken #548

Closed fbudin69500 closed 8 years ago

fbudin69500 commented 8 years ago

I downloaded the lastest SDK from here and I ran into a few issues.

BOOST_INCLUDEDIR was not set: set(BOOST_INCLUDEDIR "C:/DREAM3D_SDK/boost-1.60.0/include/boost-1_60" CACHE PATH "")

ITK path was set to the wrong folder:


> set(ITK_DIR "${DREAM3D_SDK_ROOT}/InsightToolkit-4.9.1" CACHE PATH "")

Strange "undefined" keyword

< undefined#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Qt 5.7 is installed in the SDK. Qt 5.6 directory is specified but does not exist. CMP requires a version of Qt that is older than 5.7 (otherwise it cannot find ICU)

< set(Qt5_DIR ${DREAM3D_SDK_ROOT}/Qt5.6.0/5.6/msvc2013_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 CACHE PATH "")

> #set(Qt5_DIR ${DREAM3D_SDK_ROOT}/Qt5.6.0/5.7/msvc2013_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 CACHE PATH "")
imikejackson commented 8 years ago

ITK Compile

The ITK_DIR is set to ITK-4.9.1 because the developer is meant to run the build_itk.bat file which will build ITK from source and use the ITK-4.9.1 as the binary directory for that build.

I have uploaded a revised DREAM3D_SDK 6.4 file to the regular download location

fbudin69500 commented 8 years ago
