BlueQuartzSoftware / DREAM3D

Data Analysis program and framework for materials science data analytics, based on the managing framework SIMPL framework.
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Generate Ensemble Statistics can fail if the initial data is NOT read from a .dream3d file #653

Open imikejackson opened 7 years ago

imikejackson commented 7 years ago

If a pipeline starts by reading an EBSD file and proceeds through the reconstruction and statistics phases and then a user attempts to use the "Generate Ensemble Statistics" filter they will be unable to select the phase types because that information is not available. If the initial data is read from a .dream3d file then the number of phases is known because we are reading a know array from the file.

imikejackson commented 7 years ago

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imikejackson commented 7 years ago

The previous comment has a pipeline that will illustrate the issue using a slice from the Small IN100 data set.