is this superseded by the "MeshIO" based python filters?
This is based on the DREAM.3D filter "WriteTriangleGeometry" but maybe updated with newer terminology.
In software like Abaqus, Ansys and other FEA simulations, they work with NODES and ELEMENTS which are the same as our SharedVertexList and SharedTriangleList.
We need a filter that can take any of a Vertex, Edge, Triangle or Quad geometry and export those into several files.
The input Parameters would be the which Geometry to write and the 2 output file names. Or maybe ask for an output folder and a string prefix then we can control the naming from there since writing a Vertex geometry will only produce a single file.
1: Nodes. Contains the vertices in comma delimited format
Option to number the nodes
The output should be:
2: Elements: Contains each of the ***SharedList (EdgeSharedList, TriangleSharedList, QuadSharedList) data arrays stored into a file.
Option to number the elements
is this superseded by the "MeshIO" based python filters?
This is based on the DREAM.3D filter "WriteTriangleGeometry" but maybe updated with newer terminology.
In software like Abaqus, Ansys and other FEA simulations, they work with NODES and ELEMENTS which are the same as our SharedVertexList and SharedTriangleList.
We need a filter that can take any of a Vertex, Edge, Triangle or Quad geometry and export those into several files.
The input Parameters would be the which Geometry to write and the 2 output file names. Or maybe ask for an output folder and a string prefix then we can control the naming from there since writing a Vertex geometry will only produce a single file.
1: Nodes. Contains the vertices in comma delimited format Option to number the nodes
The output should be:
2: Elements: Contains each of the ***SharedList (EdgeSharedList, TriangleSharedList, QuadSharedList) data arrays stored into a file. Option to number the elements
The output line should be for Edge
The output line should be for Triangle
The output line should be for Quads