BlueStaggo / AuthenticAdventure

Minecraft: Authentic Adventure, a Minecraft 1.2.5 mod with beta-esque features.
MIT License
36 stars 1 forks source link

Beta lighting not updating with time of day in servers #9

Closed holycannoliimmario closed 1 month ago

holycannoliimmario commented 1 month ago

When using Beta lighting instead of Hybrid lighting, nighttime doesn't cause it to get darker outside. While shadows still work, going outside at night looks like fullbright. Doesn't matter whether or not fast-lighting is enabled, and the only difference from the defaults (that I'm aware of) is that the world height is 512.

Examples be upon ye: 2024-05-14_09 51 28 2024-05-14_09 51 37

BlueStaggo commented 1 month ago

Fixed in 1.3