BlueWallet / LndHub

Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
MIT License
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Fill up lndhub account from main lnd account? #295

Closed TheCherry closed 2 years ago

TheCherry commented 2 years ago


I did setup a lnd node with umbrel and installed lndhub, as far as good. Now then I create a "sub wallet" with my mobile phone and want send values from my lnd node to this sub wallet, the UI tells me " self-payments not allowed".

How can I charge the sub wallets from lndhub with my lnd liquid?


Overtorment commented 2 years ago

easiest way is to depisot onchain. its still your money, they land on lnd's internal onchain wallet, you can use them later to fund a channel etc.

xraid commented 2 years ago

use lncli payinvoice in the umbrel terminal and add the --allow_self_payment flag for a (made in BlueWallet) LN(card) invoice

is another method