BlueWallet / LndHub

Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
MIT License
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Global backup phrase for importing multiple Lightning wallets #345

Open redshark03 opened 2 years ago

redshark03 commented 2 years ago

Issue: As a user I want to have multiple accounts on an instance, problem is I need to import and backup each wallet that I have separately.

solution: have one global backup phrase to import or backup all associated wallets.

this would also allow for easier UX for for example a spending and saving wallet, or having multiple piggy banks for small savings with bigger purchases ect.

xraid commented 2 years ago

LndHub is built to serve multiuser BlueWallet's

When running a LndHub instance a global backup would return all wallets connected and that would violate privacy of connected users wallets.

When running as a single user on a LndHub instance i can see Your need, several ways solve it, but user / password is only visible in BlueWallet Client or other Clients that store the credentials, LndHub only verify user / password by stored hash, so a backup from LndHub to retrieve accounts is possible but DB do not have the user / password needed to access the accounts, where the clear(non hashed) credentials is needed.

In BlueWallet Client is where one would do a backup of credentials not at LndHub that only store "salted" credentials.