BlueWallet / LndHub

Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
MIT License
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LND hub option for Raspibilitz #39

Open yannick10800 opened 5 years ago

yannick10800 commented 5 years ago

Hello Could you compile the LND hub service as an add on in raspiblitz ? As an option for installing in the code

kristapsk commented 4 years ago

I was looking into this for RaspiBolt, which is similar, currently one problem is that RaspiBlitz uses bitcoind 0.19, but LndHub require -deprecatedrpc=accounts which was removed in 0.18. So it's stuck with bitcoind 0.17.x until that part is rewritten.

Overtorment commented 4 years ago

lndhub was refactored to not require deprecated accounts rpc, but its better to double-check as that wasn't me who refactored that (lndhub for bw runs older bitcoind)

xpsx commented 3 years ago

I wonder why this is still open

xanoni commented 3 years ago

Should be closed because at this point the problem is not LndHub.

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