BlueWallet / LndHub

Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
MIT License
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How does LND Hub support multiple wallets? #437

Open basharov opened 2 years ago

basharov commented 2 years ago

So, to run a wallet, I need to run, e.g. lnd instance. This instance will manage a single wallet for me. Ok, now when I open BlueWallet, I see that I can create multiple lightning wallets and when I create them, everything keeps working.

My question - does LND Hub start an lnd instance for each lightning wallet or does it use some remote lnd instances that are hosted somewhere? Then, if I have a hundred of wallets, will they be managed by 100 lnd instances? Where do they run?

Or may be there is a single lnd instance but switching between different wallets by stopping and starting with the next wallet?

xraid commented 2 years ago

LNDHub sits in front of one LND.

LNDHub is a accounts ledger that uses the connected LND and its channels enabling the accounts presence in the LN.

xraid commented 2 years ago

In BlueWallet when creating a Lighning wallet-account(card), that card's settings can point to diffrent LNDHub endpoints thus other LND instances