BlueWallet / LndHub

Wrapper for Lightning Network Daemon. It provides separate accounts for end-users
MIT License
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Expired or Canceled HTLC Invoice Never Returns to LNDhub Account #445

Open hugoender opened 2 years ago

hugoender commented 2 years ago

I've got an Umbrel node with LNDhub installed.

When using Bluewallet LN wallet with Robosats, if I submit a bond (HTLC invoice) to create an order but then later cancel that order, one would expect those sats to be returned to the Bluewallet LN Wallet. This is not the case. The Bluewallet continues to show it as "Payment in transition".

I've read that this is an ongoing issue with Bluewallet and that I should run the However, I'm not sure where exactly I should be placing this file as it calls a couple of files that when I run a find command for in Umbrel, show up in four different locations.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Overtorment commented 2 years ago

the line to run unlocker script is

./node_modules/.bin/babel-node scripts/process-locked-payments.js

the script itself is in Lndhub's script folder

xraid commented 2 years ago

If on Umbrel = Docker

do a docker ps in terminal to get Your => LNDHub docker container name <=

then docker exec -it [LNDHub docker container name] bash

and from there issue the command described above IE.

./node_modules/.bin/babel-node scripts/process-locked-payments.js

Overtorment commented 2 years ago

i wonder if you could bake it into a oneliner. perhaps

docker exec -it [LNDHub docker container name] "./node_modules/.bin/babel-node scripts/process-locked-payments.js"