BlueWaveTechnologies / BlueWave

Web application used to create charts and dashboards using a graph database
MIT License
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Explorer - Improved Search #104

Open pborissow opened 3 years ago

pborissow commented 3 years ago

Currently, in order to create a dashboard, users have the option to query the graph database and use the query results to generate charts and graphs. The query options are limited. Users are required to have advanced knowledge of the data and the cypher query language. We need a graphical tool to help users to generate queries without having to know anything about the data or cypher.

The graphical tool should include keyword and faceted search.

pborissow commented 3 years ago

Interesting query:

MATCH (p:registrationlisting_product_openfda)-[r]-(n)                 
WHERE any(key in keys(p) WHERE toLower(p[key]) CONTAINS toLower('glove') )
RETURN ID(p), type(r), ID(n), labels(n)
pborissow commented 3 years ago

Cool rendering: graph