Blueforcer / awtrix3

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[BUG] - RGB565 rendering issue #138

Closed jeeftor closed 1 year ago

jeeftor commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

I have this gif:


of a moon with the following colors according to image magic:

root@9b74833e9288:/imgs#  magick identify -verbose 2316.gif | grep '#'
  Alpha: none   #00000000
            12: (0,0,0,0) #00000000 none
             4: (29,29,29,255) #1D1D1DFF srgba(29,29,29,1)
            22: (53,53,53,255) #353535FF srgba(53,53,53,1)
             3: (206,206,206,255) #CECECEFF srgba(206,206,206,1)
            14: (214,214,214,255) #D6D6D6FF grey84
             9: (240,240,240,255) #F0F0F0FF grey94
    0: (0,0,0,0) #00000000 none
    1: (29,29,29,1) #1D1D1DFF srgba(29,29,29,1)
    2: (53,53,53,1) #353535FF srgba(53,53,53,1)
    3: (206,206,206,1) #CECECEFF srgba(206,206,206,1)
    4: (214,214,214,1) #D6D6D6FF grey84
    5: (240,240,240,1) #F0F0F0FF grey94
    6: (0,0,0,1) #000000FF black
    7: (0,0,0,1) #000000FF black

I think I'm probably doing my RGB565 color conversion wrong- however - I've checked it a few times. It appears to not render correctly when I use a source image and a BMP array at the same time.

These colors convert into:

1D1D1D -> 6371 353535 -> 12710 CECECE -> 52857 D6D6D6 -> 54970 F0F0F0 -> 63390

And the main issue is when I pass the following packet:

{   "icon":"2316",
    "text": "",
        {"db": [22,0,8, 8, 
0,      0,      54970,  54970,  12710,  12710,  0,      0,
0,      54970,  54970,  63390,  12710,  12710,  12710,  0,
54970,  54970,  63390,  63390,  6371,   6371,   12710,  12710,
54970,  63390,  52857,  63390,  6371,   12710,  12710,  12710,
54970,  63390,  52857,  63390,  12710,  12710,  12710,  12710,
54970,  54970,  63390,  63390,  12710,  6371,   12710,  12710,
0,      54970,  54970,  52857,  12710,  12710,  12710,  0,
0,      0,      54970,  54970,  12710,  12710,  0,      0]

Which should be the BMP matrix of the icon I get the following rendering:


With the icon representation to the left and the BMP rendering to the right ...

I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong color space or something... but I took the .gif and used python to print out the BMP array...

I'm not 100% sure this is a bug and not user error, but if you wanted to investigate hopefully I've given you some information.

(If I could figure out how to get PlatformIO to work on my system I would have debugged the actual pixel rendering of the gif directly)

Additional information

To Reproduce

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Additional context

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Blueforcer commented 1 year ago

12710 is a dark green. image

So i think your converting is wrong. Use this tool to check it.

for further discusions i prefer a own forum post in discord. Im happy to help you