Bluemoondragon07 / Wikipedia-Theme

A theme for that makes your vault look like Wikipedia!
MIT License
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Publish Optimization? #12

Open ZackeryLightner opened 6 months ago

ZackeryLightner commented 6 months ago

When I just rename the theme.ccs file to publish.ccs the appearance doesn’t quite match the in-app experience of this theme. If you are able to, could you create a dedicated publish.ccs file that is optimized specifically for publish? This is byyyy far my favorite theme to use in app and i would love to use it with publish. Thank you in advanced if you are able to do so!

Bluemoondragon07 commented 6 months ago

Is publish.ccs for a community plug-in or the native publish?

Bluemoondragon07 commented 6 months ago

If it's for the native one, I can try, but I won't be able to test it.