BlueprintCoding / SillyTavernSimpleLauncher

A launcher that let's you install, uninstall, update, backup and uninstall SillyTavern and SillyTavernExtras
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Required modules not installed when using install st extras on windows #21

Open Furluge opened 11 months ago

Furluge commented 11 months ago

So after I installed Microsoft's Visual Studio Desktop Development with C++ package I decided to give running the install st extras scripts from stsl. After installing (This gives errors with numpy requirement conflicts but that happens with extras regardless so it's not a STSL thing.) I clicked the "Launch ST Extras" button and I received an error stating that flask was missing. I was a bit confused since I was able to launch ST extras manually from the command line but I'd always get errors when using the STSL interface.

What seems to be happening is a number of required modules that sillytavern-extras\ is trying to launch are not part of the venv virtual environment that the exact command that "Launch ST Extras" button is running is trying to enable. (I couldn't figure out exactly which one, otherwise I'd have just ran that command again rather than closing and restarting for this next prt.) From what it looked like to me, and I am not experienced with python at all, I think the venv the command uses has files located in SillyTavernSimpleLauncher-1.6 rather than sillytavern-extras so perhaps that's why it can't find the modules because when a pip install is run for the requirements-complete.txt in the install script it is installing all of those into the sillytavern-extras folder.

After the error message is received the command window stays open and in the venv environment so I used pip to install flask, closed the window, and clicked the "Launch ST Extras" button again and this resolved the flask error but I was presented with more modules it was missing. I ended up installing quite a few modules this way until I could get the program to launch without an error. Unfortunately I did not write them all down but some of they include flask, pillow/PIL, and webuiapi among others I cannot recall.

hakaserver commented 10 months ago

I can confirm same behaviour here. During installation of extras through simple launcher it raises the following: ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'G:\\AI\\SillyTavern\\SillyTavern-extras\\requirements-complete.txt' I suspect the issue comes from this. requirements-complete.txt was renamed requirements.txt so it couldnt find it.

However, even altering line 627 of app,py to reflect the changes doesn't work, giving the following error while trying to run extras:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\AI\SillyTavern\SillyTavern-extras\", line 85, in <module>
    parser.add_argument('--chroma-persist', help="ChromaDB persistence", default=True, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
AttributeError: module 'argparse' has no attribute 'BooleanOptionalAction'